Fastly Enterprise Customer Confusion

N.B. this model is predicated on Fastly accelerating its growth rate through Compute Edge, increased Enterprise spending & a conversion of non Enterprise customers. However these are unknowns at present, and so this view is meant more as indicator of what might need to happen to get to the Enterprise customer numbers mooted in the medium to long term (30,000-100,000, or more near term 6,000-7000).

I personally don’t expect to see Fastly gaining net Enterprise customers > 20’s until mid-late FY21, and I do not expect Fastly to blow-out earnings for the rest of this financial year. My view is long term and I plan to hold until there’s a change to the story (for me). There could be some short term pain, for long term gain. Although I hope to be proved wrong of course :slight_smile:

My view on why the acceleration of Enterprise customers DOES matter to achieve high growth rates, with DBNER acceleration perhaps unlikely to continue through the rest of this year, on the following thread:…

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