100% Renewable Energy

The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) is well known among engineers. They recently published an article about the world going to 100% renewable energy

On the History and Future of 100% Renewable Energy Systems Research

“The main conclusion of the vast majority of 100% renewable energy systems studies is that such systems can power all energy in all regions of the world at low cost. As such, we do not need to rely on fossil fuels in the future. In the early 2020s, the consensus has increasingly become that solar PV and wind power will dominate the future energy system and new research increasingly shows that 100% renewable energy systems are not only feasible but also cost effective. This gives us the key to a sustainable civilization and the long-lasting prosperity of humankind.”


Our electric utility in central Texas (Pedernales Electric Cooperative) has a renewable energy option that has such a small surcharge over the fossil fuel electricity that it is not even noticeable on a monthly bill. We’ve been on this plan for 3+ years ourselves. For good or bad, it’s made me less interested in putting panels on my own roof. (the “stability” of the Texas grid the last 2 years makes me question my decision of course).

I too have opted for the 100% renewable option for my electrical service. At my old age, the ROI on solar panels does not work in my favor. Best of luck with your shaky Texas grid.


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