America's Most "Just" 100 Companie

The new list is now available showing America’s Most “Just” Companies…

Microsoft is #1 for third year in a row.

If you think this list is a joke think about the recent study which showed that 30% of Millennials think Communism is better than Capitalism!

Also if you are a company recruiter it sure makes your task of attracting employees a lot easier.



which showed that 30% of Millennials think Communism is better than Capitalism!

Communism that actually works is better than capitalism in reality.

The catch is that there is no reason to believe, and plenty of reason to doubt, that communism can ever be made to work for very long on a scale mentionably larger than a family* without some fundamental changes to human nature. And if some omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent deity ('cause that’s what it would take) stepped in and made those changes, capitalism would work just as well as communism… so would absolute dictatorship and total anarchy…

  • We see it fail in quite a lot of families

Communism that actually works is better than capitalism in reality.

There is no such thing as Communism that actually works.

The reason is simple, central planning cannot take everyone’s individual needs and wants into consideration and deliver individual solutions. It would work on The Planet of Identical Robots.

What is modern technology doing? Creating individual solutions, customizing advertising, customizing software, customizing all it can. Communism is a doctrine that does not allow for free will, it’s a religion with mandates from above. Communism’s solution for dissent? Gulags!

The Captain