Charlie praised Tesla when talking to Becky Quick

Oh yea, what is sure to happen is that Tesla will make trucks take it all from rails. That means you’ll be driving your little fireball electric car (that’s the one the TV commercial has you sporting in the wide-open beautiful countryside) trapped within a bunch of 18 wheelers to the point you can’t see the road signs.

Precisely adding to the quality of life for all of us of course, that’s Elon…who is laughing because we all are as important to him as “little X” or whatnot.

And Ron (the Barron) cheerleads and predicts…"Tesla market cap $100,000,000,000,000!

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Of course I’m being completely silly with these posts. But the obsession with Tesla becomes comical and the addiction to such extreme low probabilty outcomes is nothing but also silly.

Life is great…if you can stand it.