echo chamber, sib vs waftt

Just want to say thank you for keeping us entertained with your posts.

Please don’t delete. Or go ahead.

Please don’t delete. Or go ahead.

Let me get my army of asst board mgrs right on that.

Let me see here…

(looks around)



Attention Loyal Lurkers! Please report this poor Fool’s post. Just say something like “hey Jen - this poster DARED TO DARE our beloved Dreamer to delete his post. So can you please, like, totally delete it? It is his world and we just all live in it. PS…you rock, Jen. PSii I mean TMFOverlord Jen.”

She loves that sort of thing.




Dang it…now I need to clean my monitor and keyboard from the spit take I did while reading your post.

Thanks for the laugh. And there is no way I’m deleting your post on your board, even if it’s reported 50 times.


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Can you delete as fast as I post?

By the way, I agree with at least 51% of everything here.

there is no way I’m deleting your post on your board, even if it’s reported 50 times.


There you have it.

I am officially a Made guy on WAFTT.

WAFTT mafia 4 life.

That is what we are here for, Jen.
We provide the sense of humor so that some other boards don’t need to.
