New Presidential team looking to ease self driving regs

Require FSD be installed and used on AF1–and all pilots get other assignments on other planes. Problem solved.

There are lots of questions… first and foremost, states decide these laws. Are we now thinking about a federal takeover of road rules? UBER went down on this news… welcome to the world of headline risks…

I’m not so sure about that. Seems DOT and NHTSA has a lot to say, as does the forth branch of government: the insurance industry.


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They are still counting and it looks like that is not even 50% now.

** As final votes are tallied from the November 5 election, Trump’s share of the popular vote has fallen below 50 percent and his mandate does not appear as sweeping as was first thought.**

That should be entertaining to the flies on the wall.

Yes, I saw that on the wire. Of course, the winner in 92 had 43% of the vote, and the winner in 96 had 49.2%. Both years were three way splits. My point is, he won. People need to stop sniveling, and figure out how they will survive.



Maybe money can’t buy elections. That would be great news!

The Captain


My point is the truth is the truth, and the truth matters no matter how much sniveling you would like to do. When you have a majority that gives you a mandate, when you do not have a majority. It becomes less clear. As far as surviving? That seems a little dramatic.

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Money makes you competitive but it can’t get you over the finish line.


Just wait until the promised 2 years of pain hits and then come back to that comment.


Just remember how far the Mexicans were able to get building the wall.

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The current popular vote totals are:

R 77.0 million
D 74.6 million

Cook Report:
R 77.1 million
D 74.7 million

R 77.0 million
D 74.6 million


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Not even that. Remember Howard Schultz? Mike Bloomberg? Steve Forbes?

A win is a win. We need to figure out how to survive. Buckle up.


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So not that impressive. It looks like less people voted this time than 2020

True. This year the R vote was up 3 million and the D vote was down almost 7 million.