NYT interview with Benjamin Netanyahu

Then why bring up my ignorance of the American Constitution?

:could not find scratch head Emoji: :wink:

The Captain

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Thanks for a great question!

I’ve said time and again that central planning does not work. For practical purposes federal laws are the equivalent of central planning, some more, some less. The Fed is totally 100% central planning and the cause of a number of economic disruptions. From my point of view the quota system is very much a central planning policy.

If discrimination cannot be ended by central planning it has to be fought on a distributed basis. How can that be done? By teaching proper morals and civics at a very early age.

To this day I remember that on arriving in Venezuela at age 6 I was told to be respectful to black people – in Hungary, where I grew up, I had never seen people other than white, if I did I didn’t notice. The first black person I saw was sunbathing on the deck of the immigrant ship that brought us from Marseille to NYC. I asked my mom, “He’s already tanned, why is he sunbathing?”

A couple of years later in school we were taught that we are all brothers and sisters. Logical as I tend to be I asked how a black girl in the class could be my sister! Sadly I don’t remember how that played but there were no mass shooting. Maybe the brothers and sisters metaphor was not the best for the occasion but the important thing is that they tried to teach the proper morals and civics at a very early age.

There are remnants of discrimination in Venezuela but integration was started by Simón Bolívar [Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios] during the wars of independence over 200 years ago. when he freed the slaves. Hugo Chavez tried to introduce discrimination but thankfully he failed.

Now compare that to current American state run schools. Being white is a sin! There are multiple genders, 17 or so. It’s not education, it’s central planning, brainwashing, and indoctrination.

The Captain

Negro Primero, one of the heroes of Venezuelan independence

Simón Bolivar was no saint, he was a man on a mission, to unify Americans against “Españoles y Canarios” during the wars of independence. I urge you to read the following essay from Brown University. “Pardo” is a synonym of black applied mainly to mixed black & white blood.

There were similar “utilitarian” moves in Europe to grant Jews citizenship in exchange for military service in the defense against Turkish Muslim aggression, at least in Hungary and Romania, around the 15th or 16th centuries.

However, such statements had a utilitarian motive and were not meant to encourage pardo liberty.



Yeah sure, sarcasm, as people preach the ten commandments the commandments are broken much faster by the preachers. It is a total lie to claim anyone has morals.

Central planning and a central bank are two completely different things. Not being able to differentiate the two is a failing not an opinion.

BTW take away the layers of government as much as possible and all we end up is reckless greed one of the “moral failings” which I think you are truly advocating and nothing else.

Also who orders this morality training? Or is it voluntary? Is it Jewish morality training or Christian? Yeah we can have another central government in no time.

We already have voluntary morality training. It is called flat out racism. Morality implies to doing the right thing but ends up being doing the wrong thing.

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In Shiny-land today, that thinking is derided as “woke”. Were you taught that everyone is “a citizen of the world”? The “one worlders” have been a target of scorn, and fear-mongering, here, for decades. I think it is probably safe to say that, when a pol here says “traditional family values”, most understand that to mean, white, Christian, and straight, “values”. “Woke” and “CRS” are being used to frighten people, and are being outlawed, because Shiny-land is blatantly racist. Many parts becoming more racist with every turn of the calendar, and it is being cheered on by the “thought leaders” that seek to leverage it for personal gain.



I would have thought you knew that Captain, in fact I am surprised that you don’t. But when people write on these boards they write for everyone not just one person. Now everyone knows about the 3/5th rule. :wink:


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That’s good!

The Captain

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This is why I am surprised that you do not know about the 3/5th rule. You always write like you understand the United States system. But how could you if you do not understand what came before? Did you know about Tulsa Oklahoma? I thought I understood the history of the United States but never heard about the massacre. How is that possible? How could a whole country not know about the wiping out of a whole culture? As far as it being a sin to being white I have never felt that way. I always thought that being white gave me more privileges. But when you have these privileges, and then you are no longer allowed to have those privileges, because of the color of your skin, and must compete on your IQ and physical benefits. Well some people get angry because now they can’t compete.


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Yes, it was in the news.The 3/5th rule is buried in a document.

I’m a layman observer not a researcher.

The Captain