Poll: Twilio Beat Today?

Well, the SHOP poll was fun. http://discussion.fool.com/poll-shopify-beat-tomorrow-32694733.a…

For the record I picked #3, so I was a bit high. The majority won, though!

For TWLO I’m going to pick a number and we’ll do an over/under. Their midpoint is around 83M, or a 41% increase. I’m going to choose 89M, which would be a 50% increase!

So the question: Will revenue be more or less than 89M?

  • More than 89M
  • Less than 89M

0 voters

I’ve got them at $92.5M.
Completely arbitrary mind you…

They’ve beat by about 11 - 12% the past two quarters. I just assumed the same percentage beat.
Let’s hope I’m right!

Take care,

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Ugh - you tempted fate on that one Paul.
Yet again Saul out of the blue exits a stock before a catastrophic shock decline.