Ritholtz 15 causes of inflation.



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In my view this should be #1, or at the very least in the top 2.

Farmer uses diesel to run the tractor. More fuel costs.
Farmer uses diesel to run the pumps for irrigation. More fuel costs.
Farmer uses diesel to run the trucks for harvest. More fuel costs.
Middleman trucks produce to distribution center. More fuel costs.
Train uses diesel to ship across country. More fuel costs.
Trucks take produce to market. More fuel costs.

It’s additive at every step, it isn’t a one time increase.

Fuel costs tripled in 1973 thanks to OPEC, and the fuel lines and inflation cost Carter a second term. Fuel costs dropped 2/3 during Reagan’s term and made him a hero.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that “oil” plays a very big part in our elections.



In my view this should be #1, or at the very least in the top 2.


You and the board might give me this. Oil is not the top reason for the inflation.

Oil is the thing we can change the most to fight the inflation. The G7 acting as a cartel within the next few weeks will knock oil down significantly.

China and India will never tell Russia charge us more. LOL that is not how reality works.

To Goofy’s point - let’s get real.
Waste Management’s most recent 3 month invoice looked like this:

curbside pickup service: $105
fuel cost surcharge:     $ 72

65-70% markup “temporarily” for the cost of gas for the trucks being passed DIRECTLY to consumers (it may be overstated/gouging, of course).

THAT’S Inflation.