SMAR down 13+ % today. News?

Anyone see news regarding today’s sell off in SMAR?

Down 13.72% currently to 27.79.

No news that I see.

– This…is the MaineReason

Trade war panic

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Anyone see news regarding today’s sell off in SMAR? Down 13.72% currently to 27.79. No news that I see.

There wasn’t any news except that I mentioned that I had taken a small position yesterday so it went up about 7% within about 120 seconds because some “small f” foolish board watchers rushed in to buy it just because I had a tiny position. Insane, so today it came right back down, and tacked on another few percent like everything else.


There wasn’t any news except that I mentioned that I had taken a small position yesterday so it went up about 7% within about 120 seconds

From Seeking Alpha News, just now:

Smartsheet (NYSE:SMAR) shares drop 9.9% with low volume and no new catalyst.


Very interesting…

Thanks Saul.

And thanks very much for your insights and information
on this (your) board.

You are making smarter investors out of us all.

Continued good fortune to you,

– This…is the MaineReason

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"There wasn’t any news except that I mentioned that I had taken a small position yesterday so it went up about 7% within about 120 seconds because some “small f” foolish board watchers rushed in to buy it just because I had a tiny position.

Had to laugh when I saw that yesterday. Reminded me of the old days on MotleyFool, 10-15 years ago, after they would announce a buy. I think they tend to announce more after market these days.

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Last night I looked at my portfolio and it showed a bunch of my stocks were experiencing negative after hour’s trading. So, I thought, “wow, tomorrow market is going to drop. I better tell someone.”
Then I thought, “naw, who would believe me over such a small red flag”.
Still not sure a lot of negative after hours trading was indicative of next days drop.

But, I will admit I jumped on Saul’s small buy of SMART without much thinking of my own.

I bought 1 stock of SMART.

Yeah, me too because one (1) person admitted to buying 100 shares.

Clearly what drove it up, lol.

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The board jumpers aren’t filling to SMAR’T on this one. Glad I did my own research.

RE: Market Moving

This is experienced in some areas of Fooldom especially in services that issue options trades. They move the market hands down. The options folks preach using limit orders so the price isn’t driven up further…never works.

I’ve always wondered when Saul’s board would start moving markets. For larger cap companies, it certainly won’t happen, but for smaller companies it is now somewhat apparent.

So maybe here’s a friendly reminder. First, don’t buy stocks just because Saul says he’s gotten into them. Second, maybe wait a few days. Just because Saul buys a stock doesn’t mean it is going to go up automatically.

Finally, people shouldn’t be buying stocks because someone else buys them. Research them and make sure you feel comfortable with your picks. Learning takes place when you make mistakes.

The small child doesn’t just know the burner is hot until the burn.



In that I seem to almost always be a few days behind on my reading, this is unlikely to be a problem for me. And oh yeah, I never buy a stock just because Saul did. Of course, there’s a fair degree of commonality between my holdings and Saul’s but it’s not due to some knee-jerk reaction.