Solar's Dirty Little Secret...

It is good to take into consideration the environmental consequences of solar energy. However, as others have pointed out why aren’t you doing the same analysis with fossil fuel use? What are the health and environmental costs of oil, gas, and coal and how would that impact fossil fuel LCOE? Take these factors into account then make the argument that fossil fuel LCOE is better than solar.

Solarcycle claims to be able to recycle 95% of old solar panels, providing materials to US companies that reduce dependency on foreign suppliers, most notably those from China. Solar panel recycling creates a new American industry. No doubt the recycling technology will improve overtime, making the business model even more favorable.

Ban dumping of solar panels in land fills and the business model for solar panel recycling explodes. Those are good jobs for Americans and much safer than moving coal ash or toxic fracking waste water.

I agree. The technological difficulties of cost effective solar panel recycling will be much easier to resolve than the health and environmental consequences of fossil fuel use.

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I don’t know the total or lifespan costs of the different types of energy (although the systemwide costs of renewables are an order of magnitude greater and energy subsidies per BTU for renewables are two orders of magnitude greater than for gas and oil). I was responding to bt that someone’s business opportunity is also a business expense to the other party.