The Future of Our Companies

As a subscriber to MIT’s newsletter I was informed that MIT dropped their paywall for today and tomorrow, October 2 and October 3, 2018. It’s a collection of articles grouped under five headings discussing future digital changes and trends. Although directed at business leaders, several articles could be of interest to investors who own stocks discussed here.

1. Preparing for AI and Machine Learning
–Artificial Intelligence in Business Gets Real
–What’s Your Cognitive Strategy?
–The Jobs That Artificial Intelligence Will Create
–How Human-Computer ‘Superminds’ Are Redefining the Future of Work
–How Big Data and AI Are Driving Business Innovation in 2018

2. Developing Your Digital Strategy
–What Problems Will You Solve With Blockchain?
–Digital Transformation Opens New Questions — and New Problems to Solve
The Seven Technologies Remaking the World
–The 2018 Digital Business Report: Coming of Age Digitally
–The Nine Elements of Digital Transformation

3. Executing a Future-Proof Strategy
–Leading With Next-Generation Key Performance Indicators
–The End of Scale
–With Goals, FAST Beats SMART
–The Truth About Corporate Transformation
–Scenario Planning: A Tool for Strategic Thinking

4. Leading A Talented and Engaged Team
–The Corporate Implications of Longer Lives
–and 6 more articles

5. Managing Change
–five articles

for details of these free articles, see….
