The value is in the use of the car during those few years. Same as the value of a PC is in the use of it over the years while waiting for a better PC to come along.
It’s the software along with the hardware. That’s how it always is for all products that have both hardware and software. Old Teslas with MCU2 can’t support as much of the new software as new Teslas with MCU3 can. The software in old Teslas with 1080p cameras can’t see as well as the software in new Teslas with 4k cameras. Old Teslas without a front bumper camera can’t see the suitcase (or God forbid a small child) on the ground in front of it (and therefore will never be fully autonomous), new Teslas with a front bumper camera can see that area (and have a small chance of someday being fully autonomous). Etc.
There is no ADDITIONAL value (or in reality, very marginal value) in spending $2000 to buy a GeForce RTX 4090 when I can buy a RTX 4080 (about 90% as fast) for $1200. That is the more apt comparison.
That RTX4090 will likely be $1200 18 months from now. I can wait.
Sure, but as long as BEVs keep declining in cost and improving in quality there will be substantial economic pressure on the used EV price. This is similar to computers and different from ICEs.
Why? Is the Apple business model a failure?
For those who lack the gift of immortality, time has value.
It is still my claim. Tesla’s focus on a software designed car is why they can produce better vehicles for a lower price than the competition. It is also I think a big reason why Tesla has such high brand loyalty without resorting to advertising or celebrity endorsements.
Which probably means Ford will be buying more carbon credits from Tesla, which could help Tesla ramp up production of the competing Cybertruck faster. Weird how all this is working out.
Not me! I love it. I’ve posted about it many times, so I won’t rehash too much, but it is a great car. I like how quiet and smooth it is. It is small, yet seats four comfortably. Hatchback makes it practical. Great for running around town. My wife uses it a commuter vehicle and charges for free at work. We have a charger at home, but we don’t need to use it much. The total costs of owning and operating this vehicle are absurdly small.
Some people apparently view the steep deprecation of EVs as negative. I see it as positive. The used car market for Toyotas and Hondas is very efficient. That is, the deprecation rate is linear with the remaining life of the car. So new or used, there isn’t much discount.
The used EV market is way different. Used EVs lose a huge amount of value in the beginning, and then remain a floor for a long time. There is definitely an arbitrage opportunity where the previous owner takes the depreciation while you take the utility. It is great we have that opportunity.