Utilities: Convert coal to nuke?

(The Bloomberg article I posted is not the only source of information I have, BTW.) Is $2500-$3000/kw a rock solid price? Probably not. But since China’s leaders want to build 150 new nuclear power plants in the coming years and decades, the cost per unit of the last few dozen plants brought on-line can’t be too outrageous. Else they would go with some other energy source.

  • Pete


When governments fund nuclear projects, the profit motive is eliminated. That reduces the cost of building nuclear power by at least 25% and more likely 50%.

China and France are two countries that design, build, operate and own their own nuclear power plants. When ever the nuclear sector gets into financial problems in these countries, the government bails them out. We have seen that with France often because they do not hide their problems as well as the Chinese.

You like to always compare nuclear power achievements of China and France (which run socialist electric power generation) to USA and European countries (which run capitalist electric power generation). Nuclear power in China and France are government subsidized to the hilt.


Rolls-Royce expecting UK approval for mini nuclear reactor by mid-2024
A Rolls-Royce design for a small modular nuclear reactor (SMR) will likely receive UK regulatory approval by mid-2024 and be able to produce grid power by 2029, Paul Stein, chairman of Rolls-Royce Small Modular Reactors, told Reuters.

The British government asked its nuclear regulator to start the approval process in March, having backed Rolls-Royce’s $546 million funding round in November to develop the country’s first SMR reactor.



Is there some reason why you often post multiple replies to the same post?


Is there some reason why you often post multiple replies to the same post?


I have a profound learning disorder.

I get a head full of thoughts on the beginning of someone’s writings. Especially when they are totally wrong. Who has the learning disorder? LOL

Reading deeper in I get a head full of thoughts all over again on a totally different aspect of the post they wrote and are again very wrong about.

It is actually a relief to see very intelligent people getting so much wrong. Maybe I had to work harder to get anything right.

PSU I get you are a well trained engineer. You would hate to see how much you get wrong. It is not fun. But among your engineering peers there is lot of getting things wrong. Yes the topics are very interesting so I engage.


I have a profound learning disorder.

I get a head full of thoughts on the beginning of someone’s writings. Especially when they are totally wrong. Who has the learning disorder? LOL

You are not the only person with a learning disorder here. Some of us (yes, me) have learned to compensate for their disorder.

PSU I get you are a well trained engineer. You would hate to see how much you get wrong. It is not fun.

I have never said I got everything right. I’m sometimes wrong and can recognize that fact. In this post, you’re implying you are always right and it’s your job to show everyone they are wrong.



In this post, you’re implying you are always right and it’s your job to show everyone they are wrong.


I never said that or implied that.

You asked a question I answered it. Stop moderating me beyond that.


I previously wrote:
…the Chinese wanted to license the AP1000 technology and there were plans to build many more. Now that they have the Hualong One Chinese design, there is some question how far they want to go with the AP1000 class of plants.

That question has been somewhat answered with the following news item…


Headline: China approves construction of six new reactors

The construction of two new reactors at each of the Sanmen, Haiyang and Lufeng nuclear power plant sites in China has been approved by the country’s State Council. The approvals are for Sanmen units 3 and 4, Haiyang 3 and 4 and units 5 and 6 of the Lufeng plant.

These new reactors will be the Chinese version of the AP1000, called the CAP1000. The AP1000 design takes advantage of natural, passive safety during accident scenarios. Active systems such as diesel generators and safety related pumps are not required, although there are non-safety related versions available for use. The nuclear core is kept safe through natural forces, such as conductive and convective heat transfer to the environment. As such, the amount of specialized, safety-related equipment in these plants is reduced.

I don’t want to sound like I am a cheerleader for China in this thread. There is a great deal about China’s socio-political system that I disagree with, going all the way back to Mao’s cultural revolution. However, I can’t deny their success at building many zero-carbon, reliable nuclear power plants in the last few decades. Those plants (such as the CAP1000) are based on western nuclear designs.

  • Pete

I don’t want to sound like I am a cheerleader for China in this thread. There is a great deal about China’s socio-political system that I disagree with, going all the way back to Mao’s cultural revolution. However, I can’t deny their success at building many zero-carbon, reliable nuclear power plants in the last few decades.


If you do not agree with the Chinese socio-political system, then you are a hypocrite when you like the their success in building nuclear power plants. In their system, nuclear power plants do not need to make construction loans from banks which come with huge interest costs over the 6 to 8 year of site preparation and construction or to purchase equipment and materials without taxes and manufacturers profit added to the prices.

Chinese can cut interest and profit from many government projects, programs, materials, and products: High speed rail, harbors, airports, dams and other infrastructure.


Gates Modular Nuclear Reactor Delayed–fuel sourced from Russia


The special 20% enriched uranium fuel is made only in Russia. US plans to develop its own sources but likely to take two years to set up.

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