You can't beat the market indexes!

Hi #6
I think you bring up points that are interesting and makes up stop, think and evaluate. I also think you’ve made some really smart contributions and yes we are all equal fool members, however…

  1. there’s basic mutual respect for each other and being pleasant that helps make the world a better place to be in and 2) actually Saul started this board and could request this board to be closed at any time. We would still have our Fool memberships yes but that doesn’t address the loss in value of losing this board, Saul and all contributors herein.
    I would think you would be able to bring your contributions you make to this board and operate in a respectful, polite and pleasant manner without any curtailing of your freedom of speech.

I’m 19. We young ones have a phrase for #6. He is a keyboard warrior. I feel like people on this board are too inexperienced with trolls to know how to deal with them, and I’m tired of it so I’m writing this post.

I think a good question to ask is, what made #6 come to this board and what is keeping him interested? Clearly he doesn’t care whatsoever for Saul’s investing strategy, as he has told us numerous times. What he did was he saw an audience he could talk to online to assert his intellectual superiority. Basically what his posts come down to can be boiled down to this: You guys are dumb for investing/believing in Saul’s methodology, you really should be investing like I invest, look at my stats so you see I’m right, I can be as rude as I want because I’m right.

All his arguments about why he can post whatever he wants on this board are so incredibly backwards that it is frustrating. He thinks this is some sort of debate/competition and he’s twisting words and using stuff like free speech to justify his comments. Sure he can post whatever he wants, but that doesn’t mean he should. Have some decency. This board wouldn’t be here without Saul, and guess what? if #6 left forever nobody would bat an eye.

That’s what it comes down to. All his posts are inflammatory and only serve to start arguments. Unfortunately, he’s not going to stop posting on this thread, especially if he is involved in stupid arguments because his pride is so strong that he will never stop arguing, he will always try to keep posting until he “wins”.

Please guys. Just ignore him. For the love of god.

Saul, this is like the millionth time this type of argument has started. Maybe try telling people to stay on topic once/twice but if they just keep posting off-topic inflammatory stuff you have to understand that any posts are just fueling the fire. The only way (as he has actually said himself) for him to stop posting is when others ignore it/the topic dies.


I’m 19. We young ones have a phrase for #6. He is a keyboard warrior. I feel like people on this board are too inexperienced with trolls to know how to deal with them, and I’m tired of it so I’m writing this post.

You might not like his style but #6 is making some valid points.

For the love of god.

What’s god got to do with it?

Denny Schlesinger


To be honest I don’t care how valid his points are if he’s rude/provocative, call me old-fashioned.


This message was written by YouAreNumberSix, an author you chose to ignore.
