After four consecutive presidents adopting a neo-isolationist mentality, the era of bipartisan globalization is coming to an end. So, what will the future of US foreign policy look like?
US foreign policy once sought to prevent any Eastern Hemisphere power from becoming too strong, but all semblance of strategic coherence has gone out the window. This is reminiscent of the pre-WWII era, where each administration adopted a new foreign policy. This is likely leading us down a path where a dollar diplomacy-esque system will return.
Along with all these changes, the US military’s global influence is declining, and foreign policy is in a state of flux. I suspect we’ll see more erratic and reactive policies in the coming years, as the US military is used to play checkers instead of chess. Hopefully all those alliances and infrastructure that have been developed will stick around for future iterations of US foreign policy.
Video of TNG standing on the ramp at Andrews, holding forth, hit the wire yesterday. He claimed that Mexico and Canada owe the US a big pile of money, and he is determined to make them pay. So, that is what this is about? Extortion?
“They owe us a lot of money, and I’m sure they’re going to pay.” “I don’t expect anything very dramatic,” he added.