

I’m just a very unoriginal person who is grateful for living in a time when, with their generosity over the internet, I’m able to learn from the best in the world.

I’m a working husband and father that was lucky enough to find Saul’s Investing Discissions Board and be that guy able to take full advantage of his generosity in sharing his method for investing. I have a risk profile and a conviction in Saul’s reasoning that has led me to feeling extremely grateful.

2018 > +38.9%.
2019 > +32.9%
2020 > +203%
2021 > +46.8%

2022>. MTD YTD
January: (-)22.3% (-)22.3%
February: 6.4%. (-)17.3%
March: (-)1.77%. (-)18.8%
April. (-)21.76%. (-)36.5%
May. (-)25.8%. (-)52.9%
June. 8.17%. (-)49%
July. 1.51%. (-)48.3%
Aug. 12%. (-)42%
Sept. (-)13.9%. (-)50%
Oct. (-)4.63%. (-)52%
Nov. ~ (-)13%. (-)58%

When I started reading Saul’s Board, like a lot of you, I had been a member of the Motley Fool for a few years and other than that I’d read a few books on investing. I had a portfolio of 45 different stocks that I only kinda understood, that they were in a growth market of some sort and their financials weren’t that bad. The results I got weren’t that bad. They weren’t that great either.

Allocations as of 10/31/22
Snowflake 25.06%
Cloudflare 22.00%
Datadog 15.60%
Crowdstrike 11.74%
Bill 11.56%
MongoDB 7.08%
Monday.com 4.82%
Zscaler 2.14%

This portfolio is what is in our non-taxable Roth and Rollover IRAs only. We have not added any money to these accounts for many years. To buy something I’ve sold something else. I don’t trade options or use any leverage. I stay fully invested at all times and keep less than 1% in cash.

The challenge I set for myself, when facing any investment decision, is to accurately assess how each company I own will: efficiently ride the combining waves of adoption for their various proprietary technologies up the hockey-stick (Hypergrowth) toward becoming behemoths.(This is the over simplified iteration of why I should be invested, based on what I’ve learned from reading Saul’s Board (fully explained, to the best of my ability, in my 7/30/21 Portfolio Summary, on Motely Fool’s prior Platform https://boards.fool.com/jason8217s-july-portfolio-summary-34890016.aspx).

