I mis-titled the first post with the info as I am watching football all day and doing this hit and run.
Anyway, the data now with the charts are here.
My weekend wrap up for the S&P 500 $SPX and its Eleven Sectors as of end of Week #2, 14 JAN 22:
Eleven Sectors of the S&P 500 + S&P 500
End of Week: Gain/Loss
Symbol Sector 14 JAN 7 JAN
$XLE Energy +5.17% +10.52%
$XLC Communications +0.16% -1.60%
$XLK Technology -0.10% -4.57%
$XLV Healthcare -0.21% -4.64%
$SPX S&P 500 -0.30% -1.87%
$XLP Consumer Staples -0.50% +0.40%
$XLB Materials -0.56% -1.45%
$XLI Industrial -0.60% +0.64%
$XLF Finance -0.83% +5.43%
$XLU Utilities -1.43% -1.63%
$XLY Consumer Discretionary -1.48% -2.43%
$XLRE Real Estate -1.99% -4.90%
See the daily, weekly, and monthly charts for the above here: