2023 Global Carbon Budget report

Even though there are a few weeks left in the year, the Global Carbon Project issued its estimate for this year’s world CO2 emissions. 2023 will again mark a record high.

A few items from the link…
The annual Global Carbon Budget projects fossil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of 36.8 billion tonnes in 2023, up 1.1% from 2022.

The report projects that total global CO2 emissions (fossil + land use change) will be 40.9 billion tonnes in 2023.

– Regional trends vary dramatically. Emissions in 2023 are projected to increase in India (8.2%) and China (4.0%), and decline in the EU (-7.4%), the USA (-3.0%) and the rest of the world (-0.4%).

– Global emissions from coal (1.1%), oil (1.5%) and gas (0.5%) are all projected to increase.

– Atmospheric CO2 levels are projected to average 419.3 parts per million in 2023, 51% above pre-industrial levels.

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In the US, according to published data from the Energy Information Administration, through August: coal use continues to go down, natural gas use continues to go up, and petroleum product (gasoline, diesel fuel, etc) use is fairly flat compared to 2022. These are continuations of previous trends. Overall for the US, CO2 from fossil fuel combustion will be down a little in 2023, compared to 2021 and 2022.

A news story on this from Reuters…

  • Pete