That title is at the front of Mo Gawdat’s book about A/I, titled “Scary Smart.”
I’m in the Chemo Cafe earlier today, met this scared woman on vacation in Key West when it was determined she had cancer. She was from Minnesota. She’s on her first bag of chemo, poor thing, but I told her she would not have to go through what I am going through with pain because we have different cancers. She lit up when I wrote that title on one of my index cards and handed to her.
The Gravity of the Battle Means Nothing To Those At Peace
I told her, "This Genesis Oncological is everywhere and they are really showing me that my cancer - the ugliest cancer to talk about - is already in remission. She lit up when she asked my attendant about my pump:
“Would I be able to use a pump at home so I could be with my son and dog?”
“This technology is everywhere now, but wait until the A/I in the wings starts mixing the drug cocktails. Magic! Yes, even the patients who caught their cancer earlier than Rock can be at home with no stress. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to look in on your son.”
Ready? Her son is 37. Esophegal Cancer. Her husband is with the son, rotating her out, to give her vacation. He’s in a VA Hospital, and no, this guy is stuck in a bed at 37 while she’s down here trying to decompress. Now this! When she gets home early this week from a vacation cut short, the Son is going home and she’ll be there. She was arranging for his first visit to Genesis Oncological. Go, team, go! We got this.
Cancer patients even younger have sat with me and I think one of them said she was 30, 31. But chemo-brain, you’re in, you’re out, you’re on the phone trying to carry on a conversation and WHAM chemo-brain sets in and you’re thinking, “Who is this I am talking to?” While I was telling my sister the name of every kid in black and white photo from the 50s and she could only name 2.
A/I will win the cancer cure race. Watch.
Indeed. It’s happening. I got a hunch that’s what this test is all about. Cambridge now with Kings College working with Genesis and Cleveland Clinic.
We have to find the companies behind this new Medical Equipment and all the biopharma names curing me so quickly - which I can only find out after these tests I am in are done and approved by the FDA for release to the public. Most of my regimen is stuff on the market, but, because of these new drugs, all of this being mixed with whatever could move markets and that’s a big no-no.
I’m reading “Scary Smart” a second time now. I am using a highlighter for notes later. This is the timeliest book for those beginning to find interest in A/I. Read this, then start viewing the videos I linked to some days ago.