A/I Homework: "The Gravity of The Battle Means Nothing To Those At Peace"

That title is at the front of Mo Gawdat’s book about A/I, titled “Scary Smart.”

I’m in the Chemo Cafe earlier today, met this scared woman on vacation in Key West when it was determined she had cancer. She was from Minnesota. She’s on her first bag of chemo, poor thing, but I told her she would not have to go through what I am going through with pain because we have different cancers. She lit up when I wrote that title on one of my index cards and handed to her.

The Gravity of the Battle Means Nothing To Those At Peace

I told her, "This Genesis Oncological is everywhere and they are really showing me that my cancer - the ugliest cancer to talk about - is already in remission. She lit up when she asked my attendant about my pump:

“Would I be able to use a pump at home so I could be with my son and dog?”

“This technology is everywhere now, but wait until the A/I in the wings starts mixing the drug cocktails. Magic! Yes, even the patients who caught their cancer earlier than Rock can be at home with no stress. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to look in on your son.”

Ready? Her son is 37. Esophegal Cancer. Her husband is with the son, rotating her out, to give her vacation. He’s in a VA Hospital, and no, this guy is stuck in a bed at 37 while she’s down here trying to decompress. Now this! When she gets home early this week from a vacation cut short, the Son is going home and she’ll be there. She was arranging for his first visit to Genesis Oncological. Go, team, go! We got this.

Cancer patients even younger have sat with me and I think one of them said she was 30, 31. But chemo-brain, you’re in, you’re out, you’re on the phone trying to carry on a conversation and WHAM chemo-brain sets in and you’re thinking, “Who is this I am talking to?” While I was telling my sister the name of every kid in black and white photo from the 50s and she could only name 2.

A/I will win the cancer cure race. Watch.

Indeed. It’s happening. I got a hunch that’s what this test is all about. Cambridge now with Kings College working with Genesis and Cleveland Clinic.

We have to find the companies behind this new Medical Equipment and all the biopharma names curing me so quickly - which I can only find out after these tests I am in are done and approved by the FDA for release to the public. Most of my regimen is stuff on the market, but, because of these new drugs, all of this being mixed with whatever could move markets and that’s a big no-no.

I’m reading “Scary Smart” a second time now. I am using a highlighter for notes later. This is the timeliest book for those beginning to find interest in A/I. Read this, then start viewing the videos I linked to some days ago.


Thanks for sharing this stuff, PT!

I had a really “easy” case of cancer, resolved with “just” surgery, but I periodically wonder if “it’s back!” when there are odd pains… and your story is a super encouragement.

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.


Rob, look for one of these places near you.

Call them and ask them to rec a doctor downline, the guy or gal who give colonscopies and then the guy who interprets what is being seen on all tests:


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p.s. If you are vaccintated and have boosters, you might even consider just going directly to a Cleveland Clinic for a consult and one or two tests:

Find your location on the tab from my CC FL finder:

p.s. And now I find out you are a cancer survivor too?

Tell your tale, I can use all the free encouragement to give to other patients in our growing circle downtown. Younger patients are coming in all the time. They are scared and it’s good to be there to help calm their stress.

Here’s my kidney cancer story… NOT at all what you are expecting, I bet. :wink:

(This is from a letter to someone)…

“One night, I wrestled with the Lord over Rob’s (our son) spiritual state. “Lord, save him…. and if necessary…. take my own life if that’s what it takes to bring him to You!” One week later, I had a surprise diagnosis of kidney cancer after having a routine scan for my Crohn’s disease. I told Him “Lord, I’m NOT reneging. Whatever it takes!” So, as I mentioned, the cancer was cured with a relatively simple surgery removing a scoop out of one kidney with no chemo or radiation followup required…. and we continue to pray for Rob. And…… I. Trust. Him. Even when it hurts.”

And… something NOT from that letter, because the letter was already pretty long:

The setting is 2020 and COVID is pretty active in the US. We both got it, an uncomfortable few days with a painful cough and lots of aches. That would have been it, but I also passed out twice… and that really alarmed the doctor when I mentioned it (while we were getting a test for the virus), so he insisted I go to Emergency.

They ushered me in pretty quickly after I explained why I was there, took 15(!) vials of blood, EKG, EEG, CT scan. They came back saying “Huh! We don’t know what the passing out is about… must be the virus.” LOL. A side benefit: The virus affected my taste… not as you would expect… that hospital food tasted GREAT! Spicy!

Move forward some months and my doctor mentions, almost in passing during a routine exam, “They spotted a growth on your thyroid when you had the CT a few months ago.” (Apparently took a while to filter through the medical system). Went to thyroid doc and he says “Well, we don’t think it’s cancerous, but it’s grown to block 2/3 of your windpipe. We could have it removed… or wait and see how things develop.” I laughed at that one. What? Wait until the windpipe is completely blocked? LOL. Anyway, I had the thyroid removed… and indeed, it was not cancerous… and I’m thankful it was discovered, even seemingly “by accident”. And no followup issues besides now being on thyroid med daily. And no, I hadn’t noticed the loss of available air, probably because the growth was over a period of years. I definitely noticed the improvement in air flow afterwards though!

While I’m at it, I have to say I’m thankful my Crohn’s is such an easy case. A bit of a rocky start with it 32 years ago (had a brief intestinal blockage resolved with time… the pain was fairly intense by my standards), but it’s asymptomatic now with my generic drug. Can’t complain. Others have much bigger issues with that disease.

That’s it for now. Thanks for asking. Hope you continue to see progress!

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.


Crohn’s for all those years? Do the symtoms ever interfere with your day to day, or do the generic drugs keep it all in check?

p.s. Next week is my first week of Chemo + Radiation. So, I’ll probably be a ghost around here again until I feel strong enough to punch the keyboard.

Good to hear you’re on top of all this and have an upbeat spirit.

Sounds like you have decent healthcare providers wherever you go.


Yeah, it was discovered in 1990. I had a couple days of some minor pain, but as we were getting up one morning (to go on a 10 year anniversary trip to a condo in the Cayman Islands)… I passed out in the bathroom. At that point, the pain was pretty intense and we went to Emergency… where I was diagnosed for a burst appendix. LOL. Turns out the appendix was fine and they took it out anyway as they diagnosed the Crohn’s.

I had some issues as the condition stabilized (temporary intestinal blockage… which felt like getting punched in the stomach… but with the discomfort lasting for hours.). Since that point, I take a few pills daily (Mesalamine DR)… and have zero symptoms (no Crohn’s symptoms, no pill symptoms) and zero restrictions on my diet. I’m very thankful for that! Most people have major problems with Crohn’s, often with exotic drugs, I have none of that. I’ll have a endoscopic exam later this year… I’m on a 3 year schedule for that.

I hope your chemo/radiation process isn’t as debilitating as you expect this time. That’s no fun. :frowning:

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

I hope your Crohn’s stays in this grey area of remission. One of my best entertainers of all time came down with Crohn’s in her early 30s. She changed careers as her frequent bathroom breaks and cleanup afterwards was eating into her earnings. Now she’s an in-demand make-up artist up in South Beach. (I helped her land her gig by calling an old advertising chum of mine, and he tells me my friend is the best makeup artist he’s ever used for TV ads. She’s also branching into makeup for musicians and singers in music videos.) She still has Crohn’s, but like you, her pills have put it on the back burner.

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