I’m curious about their growth, particularly since they seem like a one trick pony.Is it just more awareness of their product? Expanded usage (ie, post arrest cath?) … What moves the needle for them, say, in a year or two?
I think they will have to acquire someone to grow into new products based on what I have seen. The TAM has improved through new FDA indications for the devices, not because of a more/diverse product line. I say that not having listened to or read any earnings calls.
Eat right, don’t smoke, exercise for 30 minutes 5 days a week and take a moderate dose statin and your chances are pretty good we will only meet outside of the hospital.
Thanks for comments MC…this book is pretty good and seems to be based on sound medical studies:
I am not the specialist in this field but my guess is that if you don’t yet have problems with circulation or breathing an occasional cigar probably won’t be the leading cause of anybody’s demise. But I’ve had patients in whom I’ve treated bad peripheral vascular disease who are cured for months the come back within weeks of picking up smoking again. Just a little bit of smoking seems to trigger an inflammatory response that constricts blood vessels, at least in those who already have disease. Again I don’t know whether cigars have the same substance but remember no matter what you’re smoking your lungs just weren’t made for intentionally inhaling particles. They’re made up of tiny sacks just a few cell layers thick. And everything that gets through into the blood stream gets into the arteries and organs (heart, lungs, brain, kidneys) without being filtered by the liver.
Eat right, don’t smoke, exercise for 30 minutes 5 days a week and take a moderate dose statin and your chances are pretty good we will only meet outside of the hospital.
Cross off the poster child for surrogate markers (statins!) and we’ve got a deal!
Cross off the poster child for surrogate markers (statins!) and we’ve got a deal!
In my last visit to a cardiologist all my lab tests were normal yet he recommended taking a statin. I asked him why I should. As a precaution. I still had some at home which I took but I never did buy any more.
The best medicine for heart disease is losing the extra weight! When I did I lost type 2 diabetes, lost high cholesterol, and my blood tests come back to normal. We were designed quite healthy and we eat ourselves sick.
Denny…how do you eat yourself sick?(what a phrase:-))I lost over 28 in 3 months and literally made myself sick by not eating, running, swimming, weights and living off rabbit food…it was a goal I set myself, just to prove I could do it…however, being a foodie, putting it back on again in the belly area. All started as I was having chest pains and after stopping smoking started getting acute anxiety attacks and short of breath…high blood pressure, etc, etc and although I certainly started to feel better and look fitter, I’m bloody hungry all the time and no diet works for me that satisfies me…sorry board for the OT.
Just a caution … I had a good friend who did really well at controlling his type 2 for a number of years with diet and exercise, but 2-3 years ago it just wasn’t quite working as well as it used to. Unfortunately, a year ago an idiot driver stopped the experiment.
My wife picked up a full position in her “Saulish” account. She still has cash and just sold Facebook so has more. She picked up the rest of her VFFIF at 5.59. That day it hit 5.49 from 6 ish. I think the woman has a good instinct. She might make me rich yet.
She has Google, Amazon, Village Farms, and cash. She has a bid in on CDW. Not a rocket, but it is certainly better than cash. I wonder if we should look at Casey’s. That business is still growing and making money, or at least they get a lot of mine.
Studying VM, as a tech, the company is interesting. Not sure it is a great investment, but the tech area is interesting.