Greetings Warriors!
Speaking of the ANET (uproar and everyone is, it seems ) without arm twisting in either direction, I would like to point out some possibly helpful considerations for each of us.
• ANET did get ahead of itself. Shares tripled last year. Look at a chart and extend it out even 2 years at any angle you want. The line goes off the chart, literally and figuratively. Take the current income statement and run the numbers out any way you want, and see what the price needs to be to keep on soaring at its recent pace from 2016 to yesterday. Again, things quickly go off the charts.
• Fast growers always have periods of price retraction—always. Everyone wants it until too many are in the game. For proof, look at any present or former fast-grower. Amazon had major periods of price retraction, as did Netflix, as did Microsoft, as did SHOP, as did every single company that eventually succeeded big time. The believers stay in because they believe in the company’s future success while the fearful and traders sell out because they are fearful of getting less than 100% returns over the next few months. Who is right? Only time will tell. Question: Do you believe? There is no right answer—yet.
• No one seems to be able to put themselves in Jayshree’s shoes. You have a behemoth chasing you. They have major resources, enough to make your life even more miserable than a few lawsuits—and most would agree that “a few lawsuits” can be quite a time and resource-gobbling hinderance for any company. Should the CEO predict huge increases and predict the smashing of the behemoth and spitting in the face of her former employer-now-turned frenemy? Or should she play it cool and keep her head down and stay on track taking care of business? I vote … well, it doesn’t matter. What do you vote?
• Does anyone here not wish they had bought any of these companies early and held on for 10 or more years? Microsoft, Netflix, Amazon, Cisco … add your own names. We’re here for many different reasons. Me? I’m here to hunt down the next Amazon or Netflix. Opinions differ, thank goodness, or we wouldn’t have a buy-and-sell open market to invest in. Assuming each us wants the next Amazon or Netflix or (you name it) –which is not a forgone conclusion, but what could be better for an investor?—then we must choose which of the younger companies we believe will supplant the current companies on the Ultimate Winners List. Is ANET one of those? Personally I believe it will be on the wall plaque someday, but I could be wrong, in which case I’m still making excellent capital growth investing in ANET.
• I don’t care if you invest in ANET, sell out or keep holding if you are an owner. I have nothing to gain from it either way. I’m only interested in your opinions on the quality of the company, its management and its capital allocations. Are they good enough to weather this storm? We each have to decide for ourselves. The only thing I do recommend is to listen to, and read all you can and follow your gut instinct. Don’t rely on anyone else’s opinion. Consider it, yes. Follow it, no.
• If I’m wrong, what is the downside? Will I lose money? Probably not. Will I be exposed to considerable opportunity cost? Possible, maybe even probable.
• What if I’m right but choose to play it safe and bail out of ANET now? Will I lose money? No, I’m still well into the black with an enviable CAGR after this little squabble. Will I be exposed to considerable opportunity cost? Definitely, possibly a huge lost opportunity cost, although I will never hold a company to a point anywhere near where huge losses loom. Rule #1 is alive and well in my camp.
• Did ANET NEED to have a price-cutting event for the long-term health of its owners? I’ll leave the answer up to you, but please consider the question carefully. (not the answer, the question.) Regardless of your personal answer, if you can just see that the question is absolutely necessary, you get it. I like the way you think.
• Buy, Add, Sell, Trim or Hold—What’s the best decision? I’m sorry, but my opinion is not what’s important here. What’s your opinion?
"You can’t make everyone happy all the time, all you can do, is do the right thing,”–Jayshree Ullal
Amen. If nothing else, please make a decision, whatever it is, with confidence. And other than for the learning opportunity, don’t look back. Make it without second-guessing your decision. I hope I helped someone decide, pro or con, and more importantly, to be satisfied with the decision. There is no hurry either. Study all you can until you are satisfied with your chosen reaction to yesterday’s news.
Ok, you asked for it. For me, as you can probably tell, the answer is easy. IMO the 2017 outcome and 2018 outlook are almost ideal. The business plan is intact and we got the price break that was so necessary to the market. Everybody wins. But your mileage and opinion may vary and if it does, I say well done (but pardon me, I hope you’re wrong.) Yesterday my position size was considerable. Next week, with any luck it will be substantial.
Good investing all,