Any stock you own nowadays must deal with these self serving butt-barnacles attaching themselves to the story, desperate to profit of even the most trivial and innocent set backs.
But this seems worthy of consideration. Anyone know what might be the fine, or compensation awarded, should they be found to have been liable for mishandling data? Obviously this would probably take years to litigate if there is anything there. But does this ding their reputation among clients/prospects?
has anyone ever sued the lawfirms that come up with these class action suits.
Here’s what i think. Lets say Tesla delivers short of expectiations so a lawfirm calls everyone who owned shares in the period to join the class action as the share price drop after the quarterly report caused financial losses.
Well, thanks to their lawsuit other lawfirms jump in and the share price keeps going down. So now, these lawfirms wih their stupid suits have caused me financial losses
But this seems worthy of consideration. Anyone know what might be the fine, or compensation awarded, should they be found to have been liable for mishandling data?
I’ve never joined a class action suit. You are basically suing the owners, the shareholders, yourself! And the profits go to the ambulance chasing lawyers. Unless you have a lot of shares the payout might not even pay the cost of the postage stamps.