*** some people *** retired with decent pensions…
“By 1970, 26.3 million private sector workers (45 percent of all private sector employees) were covered by some kind of pension plan”
In addition, federal workers and state/local workers often qualified for pensions…
A good percentage did not qualify the minimum 10 years of employment to get a pension. If you worked at several companies during your career, you might get 3 small pensions…or one or two.
They did not transfer to another company.
Now…most of these pensions were also based on years of service. You got the bare minimum at 10 years, but got a bit more for each year you worked.
My dad worked for Ma Bell…for 44 years. Good pension program. Of course, he was ‘locked in’ to employment with them for life - both good and bad for some. He went out on medical disability at age 60 with 44 years of service. Yes, he started work in 1932 at age 16 after graduating high school. They counted 2 years of active duty in that total. He received 44% of his ‘best years earnings’ for a nice retirement package. Add in SS and it covered the bills, plus he got subsidized health care (they paid for part B supplement through their own program).
Uncle Bill put in 47 years with Bell South…lived to 94 to enjoy it.
Aunt Ann had 40 years with AT&T…
Uncle George had 40+ years with NY TEL…
But that was then. MA Bell doesn’t have pensions but 401Ks…
Did I mention a lot of pension plans went bust when companies went bust? Tell me about GM and their subsidiaries? Some subsidiaries got the ax both ways. No job, no pensions. GM workers didn’t do that well.
Now me? Worked 3 years first employer before being laid off in 1971. Worked 13 years second employer and actually got and still get tiny non-inflation adjusted pension from that. Worked 17 years another company. They had pension plan but it went away for most when they started 401K and I got some ‘pension credits’ in that account.
Now…most people don’t have lifetime employment. Work 9 years for a company and no pension even 50 years ago. Now? You’ll have at least 3 jobs in your life - maybe 6 or 8?
Even the military makes it hard to get the 20 years of service for ‘retirement’. Lots are laid off after 15 or 18 or 19 years to save money! or sent on the fifth tour of duty in the middle east. And sixth till they break.
At least with 401Ks, you can leave a job and take it with you. Most places have five year vesting so you get the company match.