Berkshire 13F Is Out

Only surprise is a $4B position in Taiwan Semiconductor


Didn’t see that one coming.

Gates foundation take a 26% (of funds) holding in Microsoft upping their stake massively.


Backswanny, the Gates Foundation received huge donations of shares from Cascade Investment and Bill Gates. Most of the big position changes in the foundation trust are donations of new stock from Bill.


With BRKs position in Apple, it’s not a big surprise: Apple CEO Cook says tech giant will start sourcing chips from Arizona in 2024: report | Seeking Alpha

**Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM) is currently building a plant in the Grand Canyon State that is scheduled to be completed in 2024

I would assume there is a link there if you connect the dots…



Seems a reasonable connect-the-dots. Worth noting that Intel is building in AZ too. Just another dot to be aware of. Intel pr

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There have been a few buys in tech stocks such as IBM, HP, Verizon that don’t work out very well. TSM’s key technologies are controlled by other companies and are highly sensitive to geopolitical tensions. With recent Chip Act push, more fabs are being built that could result in market glut. I doubt anyone could see TSM’s competitive position in 10 years.


No add to MKL…surprised with that.

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