Board votes advance transmission projects for California and the region 2023-2024 transmission plan and SunZia subscriber model win approval.
FOLSOM, Calif. – It was a big day for new transmission capacity in California and the West Wednesday, with the Independent System Operator’s (ISO) Board of Governors taking two important votes to expand the region’s transmission network.
In one vote, the Board approved the ISO’s 2023-2024 transmission plan recommending 26 new projects to support the addition of 85 gigawatts (GW) of capacity by 2035. Projects include the first phase of development that would bring offshore wind energy from the North Coast to the California grid.
In its other transmission-related vote, the Board approved Pattern Energy’s application to tie its 550-mile SunZia line into the California system. The line, which is currently under construction, would run between central New Mexico and south-central Arizona, with capacity to transport 3,000 megawatts (MW) of wind energy to California and
neighboring states.
The SunZia development is the second transmission line approved by the Board within the past 18 months using an innovative Subscriber Participating Transmission Owner (SPTO) model. That approach enables new transmission lines outside the ISO balancing area to connect generation to the California grid and give the ISO operational
control. “It is truly an innovative transmission development policy that I hope gains traction around the country,” said Cameron Yourkowski, Pattern Energy’s director, Market and Regulatory Affairs, of the SPTO model. Entities subscribing to use the line help finance its upfront costs without increasing the ISO’s transmission access charge. Individual load-serving entities across the West would then have the opportunity to sign long-term contracts to purchase renewable
energy delivered by the new infrastructure.
In December 2022, the Board approved an SPTO application from TransWest Express. Its 732-mile combined high-voltage direct and alternating current transmission line.
board-votes-advance-transmission-projects-for-california-and-the-region.pdf (
The Western US Grid keeps on making progress while the Eastern US Grid is stuck with conservatives that are not cooperating with each other and new grid transmission limes are the victims and the public suffers.