Breaking Up Google

The Jus­tice De­part­ment is seek­ing the breakup of Google’s busi­ness bro­ker-ing digi­tal ad­ver­tis­ing across much of the in­ter-net, a ma­jor ex­pan­sion of the le­gal chal­lenges the com­pany faces to its busi­ness in the U.S. and abroad.

Google has managed to insert itself at almost every level of digital advertising on the internet. It controls not only its own prodigious site, but millions of others, it also places ads for buyers, large and small, in effect helping to set rates and distribute ad revenues across the digital platforms.

It’s time. Perhaps the days of really, really, really big tech are coming to an end? The EU is taking on Facebook (and Google) over privacy policies and whatnot, and Apple is facing pushback on self-repair, proprietary connectors, and more.

(AndI’ve been wondering what Garland has been doing, anyway. Maybe this is it.)


I have been watching for this. I went to my partner our CEO to discuss an interesting opportunity here. Not for search.

Google and FB are the two big advertisers. Amazon doing it in house with half all clicks? or landing page hits? in the US online. This is all a hot space for competition. I do see an in. It does not take the Justice department clearing a space for my partners. But I am getting a kick out of how many problems the big players are causing.

Meanwhile Microsoft has seen its Activision deal swiped away possibly permanently. This is good for game developers. At the same time I have just signed up for Microsoft’s PlayFab which does a huge amount of the work for me in several valuable ways.

C# day all day today.

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If they break up google and then the other walled gardens freak out this would be a big boon for MGNI and TTD.
