Thank you very much for the detailed and informative response, Jim. This is very, very helpful, and I appreciate it.
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So Jim,
Trivia or maybe trivial?
Berk buys back at 1.3 x bv or so which erodes stated book per sh. But…remaining book per share, which just got jolted with slightly higher performing (hopefully) status given each remaining share has more earning assets and less cash (kind of a generalization.
Thus…??? Does book value per share get more speed growth (and higher return on equity) from ever higher price-to-book repurchases of stock…which of course deplete book value per share faster thus exposing remains shares to higher performing assets.
Question mark! At the end. Drinking beer, playing trivia at the local pub. Kaint spell, ner do grammar.
Kaint spell, ner do grammar.
I don’t have to spend money for that… it comes naturally to me.