BYD Juggernaut Continues to Fire on All Cylinders

increasingly competitive market. The growth after BYD slashed prices on some of its top-selling electric vehicles.

BYD sold 726,153 fully electric vehicles in the first half of 2024, up 18% from the 616,810 EVs sold in the first half of 2023.

Ayvens to distribute its vehicles across Europe.

Through the agreement, Ayvens clients will have access to BYD’s full range of EVs. Customers also receive tailored fleet solutions, including EV leases and end-to-end charging services.

BYD’s new EV leasing deal comes as Europe plans to introduce new tariffs on Chinese EV imports. Despite this, BYD expects to overcome it, with some models being more profitable in the EU than in China anyway.

Sorry…I’m no automotive expert…but…

Do electric cars have cylinders?



No. Cylinders are the combustion chamber of ICE vehicles, and the crux place where energy changes from potential energy to heat to motion. Surrounding the cylinders are a lot of heavy complicated stuff to

deliver fuel mixed with air, and an igniting spark, into each separate cylinder at precisely the right (often rapidly varying and different) moment;
cool the cylinders with separately circulating water (surrounding) and oil (inside), preventing the cylinder from melting;
minimize and balance vibration and metal stress from all that movement while delivering the summed kinetic energy of the cylinders’ pistons to
a driveshaft that takes it to a transmission for gearing and then on to the drive wheels.

Electric cars have a big battery (basically replacing fuel tank) that is the store of energy. The battery delivers energy to electric motor(s) that power the wheels. It is an extremely simpler set up.

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Wow. The posting nanny demanded smelling salts, and then censored the post when it read the word driveshaft spelled as two sylllables.

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Thank g-d it does not have a mansplaining feature (yet) because it would not be able to decipher a request from a condescension.



I humbly expected a chuckle since the title of the thread was “BYD Juggernaut Continues to Fire on All Cylinders.”

I actually do know something about automotive engineering…at least enough to know that cylinders are not needed in electric cars.



LOL. Wendy, you had me, you completely begubbered me. I paid no attention to the BYD juggernaut

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Many electric cars use cylindrical batteries which do catch on fire… :slightly_smiling_face:

The Captain