China going from coal to natural gas

March 7, 2022 Power Magazine

A new 2-GW (2000 MW) natural gas-fired power plant in China, being built to support the coming retirement of a large regional coal-fired complex, will feature three GE 9HA.01 gas turbines. GE Gas Power and Harbin Electric on March 7 announced that Chinese state-owned power utility Shenzhen Energy Group Corporation Co. has ordered the equipment for its Guangming combined cycle power plant, located in the Shenzhen Guangming district of Guangdong province in China.

The plant is sited in China’s most populous province; Guangdong is home to about 126 million people. GE on Monday said the new plant should be operational by year-end 2023, helping replace electricity output that will be lost when the remaining units of the Guangdong Shajiao coal-fired power complex are retired. The Shajiao complex at its peak included three plants, and a total of 10 coal-fired units, with generation capacity of nearly 4 GW. Half those units were retired in 2018 and 2019; the plant today features five operating units, with total generation capacity of 2,310 MW. Those units are expected to close in 2025.….


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