Searching for a topic title I decided to use the author’s own words, ‘Climate Hysteria.’
How many remember the hole in the ozone layer controversy several decades ago that led to the substitution of Freon? Professor Happer mentioned it.
Ozone ‘depletion’ a DuPont manipulation
The notion that CFCs deplete the ozone layer is scientific fraud that was promoted by the DuPont chemical company in the 1980s. Why? Because their patent for freon was ending, which meant that all those manufactures of air conditioners and refrigerators could now buy this stuff cheaper from any of their competitors – they came up with new chemicals that can be used in the same way.
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Elimination of CO2 is a suicide pact – Professor William Happer on climate change misconceptions
It’s safe to assume no one consciously sets out to challenge a narrative as deeply entrenched and emotionally charged as climate change. Dr William Happer, an American physicist and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Physics at Princeton University, certainly didn’t. It was only in 1991, upon Happer’s appointment by President George W Bush as director of Energy Research in the US Department of Energy, that his interaction with climate change authorities – and their refusal to engage in customary scientific debate on climate change – piqued his interest. Thereafter, Happer was dismissed for his contrarian views and ‘head butting’ with climate change luminary Al Gore, only to be brought back to Washington by former president Donald Trump in 2018. BizNews spoke to Happer (83) about his prodigious career and discovery that the burgeoning climate change hysteria had no scientific basis. Happer meticulously detailed why and how CO2, the “demon gas”, is not a pollutant but is essential to mankind’s prosperity.
At minute 43:52 the interviewer asks about population growth. Climate alarmists claim the humans are bad for the planet being the source of climate change. On the other hand economists claim that the lack of a sufficient labor force will cause an economic collapse. How to solve this conundrum?
Elon Musk to the rescue with Tesla’s humanoid robot Optimus!
Better than you, apparently. If you exercise your right to filll up the board with crazy conspiracy theories, do I not have an equal right to point it out? But to clarify, I am just looking for a button that allows me to delete crazy threads completely so that they don’t clutter up my menu.
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I have one person that I have muted on this new platform because I generally do don’t understand what point(s) that person is trying to make in their posts. It works wonderfully.
**Leading climate-sceptic academic, Professor William Happer, agreed to write a report for a Middle Eastern oil company on the benefits of CO2 and to allow the firm to keep the source of the funding secret.
Happer is due to appear this afternoon as a star witness in Senate hearings called by Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz.
In emails to reporters he also revealed Peabody Energy paid thousands of dollars for him to testify at a separate state hearing, with the money being paid to a climate-sceptic think tank.**
Posing as representatives of oil and coal companies, reporters from Unearthed asked academics from Princeton and Penn State to write papers promoting the benefits of CO2 and the use of coal in developing countries.
This does not incriminate oil and coal companies, it incriminates academics from Princeton and Penn State but then the article accuses Peabody Energy without showing the evidence. Very confusing.
He quoted and provided a link to the authoritative source of … wait for it … a reader’s comment on a story at The Nation Thailand. Umm…OK? Are we really supposed to take this seriously?
DuPont may have had an economic reason for jumping on board, but that doesn’t mean the science was wrong.
Others have provided a rebuttal of the Happer nonsense.
Ozone depletion was proven to be a real issue and the global community came together to fix it using the Montreal Protocol. Way back in 1976 the US National Academy of Science published a report that supported the CFC ozone depletion hypothesis, and scientific evidence grew much stronger in following decades.
I looked at the article in the sense, Where is the money coming from and who is paying for the reports. Obviously Professor Harper is taking money from the oil and gas companies to write reports that are favorable to the Oil industry.
Do not underestimate the power of Big Oil, etc. to keep the status quo. This is a three part series, so it is not short. But it is highly recommended viewing for anyone who thinks there is “climate hysteria”.
It is always the status quo that is powerful. I worked with a guy that smoked like a chimney. He even had a tobacco club and they promoted that tobacco was not bad for anyone. This was all during the time when the Big Tobacco companies where stating that smoking was not bad for you. Well his club closed down when he died from lung cancer.
I think anyone that is reasonable would agree that pollution is bad. While we need oil and gas to get where we are going, it will be eventually phased out and all the climate deniers will go the same way of all the tobacco deniers.
Climate science is an amalgam of many different fields (including physics). For example, Gavin Schmidt is the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)
“As the Director of GISS and Principal Investigator for the GISS ModelE Earth System Model, I am interested in understanding past, present and future climate and the impacts of multiple drivers of climate change, including solar irradiance, atmospheric chemistry, aerosols, and greenhouse gases.”
Gavin did his PhD work in Applied Mathematics.
Another example: The Nobel Prize in Physics last year was given to Syukuro Manabe for his work in developing climate models. His PhD is in geophysics.