Complete Summer 2 & 3?

A decade ago, there were two large nuclear power plant construction projects ongoing in the US. There was the Vogtle 3 & 4 project in Georgia, and the V. C. Summer 2 & 3 project in South Carolina. Vogtle 3 and 4 were finished and are operating today, but Summer 2 & 3 stopped construction in 2017, in large part because of the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of Westinghouse.

Now, Santee Cooper, the owner the Summer site, is asking for proposals from interested parties to complete the project.

From the article:
The company has launched a process seeking proposals to acquire and complete, or propose alternatives, for the two partially constructed generating units. Parties that are “interested in acquiring the project and related assets, and potentially completing one or both units or pursuing alternative uses of the assets” have until 5 May to respond to a Request for Proposal being conducted on behalf of Santee Cooper by Centerview Partners LLC.

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_ Pete


This is no easy project to complete. It would cost about $20 billion for both units. It would need Westinghouse and Bechtel to finish building the 2 units and some other company to operate the units. Will Trump’s DOE make a $12 billion loan guarantee like Vogtle 3&4 got from DOE?

Fossil fuel companies do not like nuclear energy and will try to persuade Trump to do nothing to help.