I believe that the contents of this post are crucial for Zoom investors, but that you may have missed them. You need to be aware of them, but I was afraid that anyone who wasn’t around on Saturday when the news came out, might lose it in the myriad of posts on the board since, so I’m giving it its own thread. If you are already aware just go ahead and skip this post.

In an earlier post three or four days ago, I took a guess that at the end of March Zoom will probably have added, oh, ten times as many customers as they had at the end of December. I said that many of those will be non-paying, but many of the ones they had at the end of December were non-paying too… so having a lot of non-paying customers is normal for them, not something just sprung on them. I said that I was trying to be conservative😀.

However, in posts #65040 and 65041, on Saturaday, hmcproperties just kindly provided us with THE ACTUAL FIGURES… ?and it turns out that I WAS being conservative! Very conservative! Those two posts linked to an independent service that keeps track of app downloads, which gave the information that is in the paragraph below, and the other post to was about Zoom’s CEO just giving the same information in an interview. A big thanks to hmcproperties! Here’s the gist of what I’m talking about:

As of several days ago Zoom was getting about 2,140,000 new users per day, and rising. In late January it was just 56,000 per day!!!

That means that in late March they were signing up 38 TIMES!!! the number of new users per day that they were signing up per day in January! That’s an awesome figure!!! It’s not 38% more! It’s 38 TIMES???

It means that they are now signing up considerably more new users every DAY than in the entire MONTH of January. STOP and just think about those numbers!?

And late January was certainly up somewhat from the average for the December quarter, as they’ve been constantly been increasing signups. If we estimate they signed up 48,000 a day in the December quarter, it would be 4.3 million in the 90 days. That means that every TWO DAYS they are now signing up as many new users as they did in the entire December QUARTER!!! And this isn’t a wild guess of mine. It’s the actual figures.

And in that “puny” December quarter they grew revenue by 78%!!! Can you imagine what revenue is growing by now?

We need to keep in mind that they only have had probably only one and a half months of these huge new numbers of users in this quarter (the second half of February and all of March).

I don’t know how much of all those new users will turn into revenue, and you should make your own estimates, but my most conservative estimate would be a doubling of the revenue growth rate in the March quarter, to 156%. And that seems to me to be ridiculously low. After all, Zoom is currently equalling the entire Dec quarter’s new signups every two days!!! And those December signups, plus upgrades from existing customers, were giving them 78% growth.

People who have been worried about Zoom’s over-valuation and limiting their investment in it, or who have never gotten in, seem to be rationalizing their decision by saying that most of these new users will be free users, but most of Zoom’s users have always been free users, and that hasn’t stopped from growing like mad and from being profitable and quite cash flow positive.

I can’t estimate realistically what will happen here. It’s impossible. But I’m keeping every one of my Zoom shares for now. But just think, today and tomorrow, the last two days of March, they will again sign up as many new users as in the entire three months of the December quarter. Keep that in mind.



A link to the Knowledgebase for this board is in the Announcements panel that is on the right side of every page on this board.

For some additions to the Knowledgebase, bringing it up to date, I’d advise reading several other posts linked to on the panel, especially “How I Pick a Company to Invest In,” and “Why My Investing Criteria Have Changed,” and “Why It Really is Different.”


How funny!

Zoom Video’s (NASDAQ:ZM) DAUs (daily added users) are up a “staggering” 378% Y/Y, says JPMorgan citing Apptopia data.

The analyst has trouble with his arithmetic! 37.8 times is 3780%, not 378%. And he thought 378% was “staggering”! I wonder what he would think of 3780%!!!



We will see if Sterling gets back to me, but I found his email address with a Google search and drop him a quick note on this topic.

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My apologies; I meant to send that directly to Saul. For a bit of context to my last post, Sterling Auty is the JP Morgan analyst that authored the article that Saul references in his earlier post. I sent him a quick email in an effort to clarify his point on 378% growth in DAUs. [I am not a techie, so perhaps it comes down to Daily “Active” Users vs. Daily “Added” Users? In other words, is it possible that you “Add” 2.14 million users per day, but only a fraction of them are considered “Active” on any given da? I don’t have the background to answer that question.]

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I’m stuck in the Caribbean (could be worse places I suppose) with terrible internet service so hope this is going through as for some reason not getting emails but have had success with TMF.

Anyway, yesterday was able to get online and listened mostly to the BBC from the U.K. and I believe Zoom was mentioned throughout the day at least 8 times with presenters and callers using it. What really interested me was the fact that two weddings took place on Saturday with 150 plus people which saved their special day and said how fantastic and seamless the experience was. One of the guests even went as far as saying he wouldn’t mind his funeral going the same way!!
Just before that, I heard the presenter say any minute now the PM will be on from his isolation flat in Downing Street, we will shortly be “zooming” him live!!!
Stay safe all.


Hey hmcproperties,

DAU means Daily active (unique) Users = Number of unique Users who are active at least once per day.

From the 2.14 mio downloads (not users), some will install and open the app, and therefore become a DAU.



Just to clarify the number of 2.14 million: We are talking about 2.14m downloads not Users or DAUs. Every click on the “Download”-Button in the Playstore or Appstore counts toward that number.

One user (or bot) might produce 10 downloads, a download might never become a user if it is not being installed or opened.


Just to clarify the number of 2.14 million: We are talking about 2.14m downloads not Users or DAUs. Every click on the “Download”-Button in the Playstore or Appstore counts toward that number. One user (or bot) might produce 10 downloads, a download might never become a user if it is not being installed or opened.

Moo, I just can’t understand that comment. The comparison of 2.14 million downloads to 50 thousand downloads is downloads to downloads, apples to apples. Everything you say about downloads possibly never becoming users is equally true for the 50,000 and for the 2.14 million. There are still 38 times as many DOWNLOADS per day!!!

The comparison isn’t invalidated in any way. What you are saying makes no sense as a criticism of the comparison. Nobody was ever claiming that all downloads become users, just that there are 38 times as many downloads of potential users as there were just two months ago.



Hey Saul,

I neither did criticize you, nor did I try to argue about your comparison - In fact, I don’t know how many users they really gained. You might be totally right.
I just inteded to clarify some facts, because “2,140,000 new users” and "daily added users" is just wrong, so I hoped to give some helpful insights.

I do understand that you might feel offended easily, after many years of trolls coming and going. But count me rather a friend and student of yours.


P.S. I am long ZM, it is one of my largest holdings at about 10%, up +100% and I don’t plan to sell.


Hi Mooo,
Now I see what you are saying, that the number of downloads isn’t the same as the number of users. That is certainly true. Thanks.


As I had mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I directly worked on DAU ( Daily Active Users) and MAU (Monthly Active Users) for a service with more than 50 million users.

Mooo’s observations are correct.

Let me illustrate this with a simple example.

You launch a service/product.
Day 1:
100 users download/sign-up. This is your new downloads/accounts.
20 Launch or use the product/service. This is your DAU for that Day1.

Day 2:
100 more new users download/sign-up. This is your new downloads/accounts.
Your cumulative user count for Day 1 + Day 2 is now 200 Users.
20 users from Day 2 launch or use the product/service.
20 users from Day 1 decide to launch or use the product/service on Day2.
So your DAU for Day 2 is now 40.

Note: For all DAU and MAU calclulations, you dedupe the data so that you don’t count a user more than once. It’s the number of unique users.

What does this mean for ZM:

  1. The more the number of users that download the product, the greater is the potential that some of them get add to the DAU count at a later date.

  2. The greater the DAU, the greater the potential to engage those users and hopefully add more use cases to the product.

Hoe this helps a little.





The following article validates your point of incredible growth for Zoom. It compares Google Trends of keyword search of various WFH technologies - for example it compares search terms Zoom vs Slack. The parabolic growth for Zoom shows the incredible growth.

Zoom used to be B2B Tool and now it is fast becoming a B2C tool because of network effects and freemium model. It reminds me of how WhatsApp took off. It wouldn’t surprise me if Zoom ends up having billions of users like YouTube or WhatsApp. If they create a platform with APIs for startups to embed Zoom in various apps, it can be used for Health Care, Sales, Financial Service, Mortgage Closing, Notary, etc.

In addition to revenue from from subscriptions, they can also get revenues from Ads.

Why can’t Cisco or Microsoft compete with Zoom? It’s the same reason why people use Google for search than Bing.


It compares Google Trends of keyword search of various WFH technologies - for example it compares search terms Zoom vs Slack.

Wow, what a difference! The graph shows Slack as basically flat with maybe a tiny rise in March, while it shows Zoom as a straight up line in March! (Actually it looks like Slack rises from 2 to about 4, while Zoom rises from 6 to about 100). Talk about mindshare!



Growth…Interesting that you mention two of my longest holdings: CSCO and MSFT…will never sell.
Also own several of the special stocks just mentioned here: AYX, DOOG, LVNG, and OKTA…held the last a long time. Still thinking of buying ZOOM. Encouraging Market, today.

Thank you much, Saul, STJ

Still thinking of buying ZOOM

Out of interest and curiosity, what is it that you would like to see that would give you confidence to buy. Surely a much lower price is not likely given the growth statistics being reported

Here’s another data point…

"The videoconferencing app was downloaded nearly 27 million times this month, up from just 2.1 million times in January.

While Zoom is definitely the rising star among video chat apps, Skype remains far ahead in terms of active users. According to Priori Data, the Microsoft-owned service had 59 million daily active users on its iOS and Android apps in March, compared to just 4.3 million for Zoom. It needs to be noted though, that many people also use Skype for other ways of communication, while Zoom has specialized on video conferences, so it may not be a fair comparison to make."


From what I have seen with my grandchildren a lot of sign ups and new users may be children for schooling. On one hand one could say these are low quality accounts. However I see two benefits. 1. Hook kids on program early. Long time to give a return. 2. Parents see how easy to set up and how well it works. I had asked a friend of mine a couple of months ago if they used Zoom atwork. Answer was no. Last week he told me that they had now switched to Zoom. The guy who had responsibility for setting up the meetings knew of Zoom but did not think it better. After having to set it up for his kids and seeing the ease of doing so and how well it worked he decided to take the plunge. Universally the meeting participants thought of it as an upgrade.


Another small data point, our organization has skype install on every single computer so i’m guessing those thousands are considered active users but when we video conference we use zoom or webex.


I can’t estimate realistically what will happen here. It’s impossible. But I’m keeping every one of my Zoom shares for now. But just think, today and tomorrow, the last two days of March, they will again sign up as many new users as in the entire three months of the December quarter. Keep that in mind.


It’s even better than that because their quarter ends in January 31 and April 30. It means that almost their entire quarter (Feb 1-Apr 30) will contain the spiked usage.



It looks like daily active users are up 151% (2.51x) in March yoy. How does this square you with the 38x increase in downloads? Is it because the 151% is a monthly average number and most of this increase has probably occurred in the last 7-10 days?

Zoom Video’s (NASDAQ:ZM) daily U.S. user volumes hit a record 4.84M yesterday, according to Apptopia data.

The company’s active users were up 151% Y/Y in March.

On the same day, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) Teams had 1.56M users and Slack (NYSE:WORK) had less than 500K.…