Every U.S. cruise with passengers has coronavirus cases on board
Coronavirus cases have been reported on every cruise ship sailing with passengers in U.S. waters.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, all 92 ships with passengers have met the threshold for investigation by the public health agency. In every case, the CDC has either started an investigation or has investigated and continues to observe the ship.
Don’t forget that cruise ship cabins have shared ventilation systems – they’re just moving the air from cabin to cabin as you go down the hall. It’s not like you’re isolated in a hospital operating room with an individual filter when you close the door to your room.
I don’t know how you’d keep yourself safe with COVID cases on board.

Don’t forget that cruise ship cabins have shared ventilation systems – they’re just moving the air from cabin to cabin as you go down the hall. It’s not like you’re isolated in a hospital operating room with an individual filter when you close the door to your room.
I don’t know how you’d keep yourself safe with COVID cases on board.
I would venture you could wear a hazmat suit with duct taped gloves over your sleeves and pants cuffs taped over your booties. Get your plate of food. Go up on deck. Open your sealed helmet six feet away from other passengers. And pig out. Once you’re done, shield down. Turn on your air supply bottle again. And go lie down in your cabin. The problem is, do they make hazmat suits with flap doors on your crotch area to do your business on a toilet? Which means you would also have to tape up that trap door before you flush. Because Omicron travels through sewage mist too. And all those toilets are sharing the same line.
But yeah, no cruise ships for a 3rd week down here in the Keys.
Accent that positive, not positive cases.
Omicron means cleaner waters again.
Get your plate of food. Go up on deck. Open your sealed helmet six feet away from other passengers. And pig out.
Make sure to eat only healthy food and no junk food. Junk food weakens the immune system and promotes inflammation.
That said, I’m surprised that ANYONE would want to go on a cruise at this time. Even if I were immortal and thus had magical 100% protection, I still wouldn’t go simply because of the hassles.
If I do go on a cruise again, I’m limiting my consumption of unhealthy foods to the high quality and special unhealthy foods. So I won’t eat soft serve ice cream, French fries, or fried chicken, but I would eat escargot and Baked Alaskan.
That’s probably why the scientifical sorts said a week ago don’t go on a cruise right now.
Meanwhile, Michigan cracks 13,000/day for the first time ever. Only 56.8% of people had a second dose of vax, and, if they had that second shot last spring or summer, it’s fizzled out by now. If they caught it anytime from the start of the plague into last summer, than immunity has fizzled.
Michigan reports 27,346 new COVID cases, 277 deaths – record average of 13,673 cases per day
Testing has increased to around 50,000 to 60,000 diagnostic tests reported per day on average, with the 7-day positive rate jumping up to 29.93% as of Jan. 3. Hospitalizations are on the rise again after slightly decreasing for the past few weeks.
Steve…in the bunker
Looks to me that Michigan was on track to collapse the hospitals with Delta but Omicron took over.
Note: Omicron presents a less acute symptoms thus lower Covid related hospitalization. I am however hearing some buzz that it is hitting the heart and causing blood clots that are causing other problems. Some suspect that this why there are a lot of cases showing up in the hospital and Covid is found as an aside.
Note: There is a complete lack of data sets in this post for these speculations and I have been unable to decipher what little data I have seen.
(Mother In Law tested negative. Treated for sinus infection. Doctor noted that many false negatives though)
But wait! There’s more!
Evening news reported a Norwegian cruise ship left Monday, bound for the Panama Canal and back.
It’s headed back to port. Covid outbreak.
Norwegian Pearl returns early to Miami as crew members test positive for COVID-19
In a letter from the cruise line to passengers and posted on a Florida travel agency’s Facebook page, cruise operator NCL said even though all guests and crew members aboard the Pearl were vaccinated, several crew members tested positive for the coronavirus.
Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/tourism-cruises/ar…
And, still more, from the same article:
Gabrielle Rodriguez, a hospital administrator from New Jersey,…“Might as well stay in Miami, I already took time off work,” she said.
Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/tourism-cruises/ar…
The evening news reported covid hospital admissions in Miami-Dade are up 550% in two weeks.
With new hospital admissions in Miami-Dade up 550% in just two weeks,
Steve…oh sure, “no worse than the flu”…
Don’t forget that cruise ship cabins have shared ventilation systems
Ships with 15+ decks probably do have some limited potential to isolate positives. By removing them to decks designated for positives.
You still have the problem of those who infected others before they turned positive.
Norwegian has now canceled some of its sailings on 8 of its fleet of 17 ships as far out as April:
Don’t know if this was previously mentioned by a Royal Caribbean cruise out of Hong Kong was denied anchor at all of its ports of call. Cruisers basically floated around for the duration of the cruise and were given a 25% discount by the cruise line
My August 2020 Mediterranean cruise on Celebrity was canceled and I (foolishly/hopefully?) re-booked for August 2022. Seems like it was a bad idea looking forward.
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