Curated screens 2024-07-15

Here’s a mid-month update on the screens we’re tracking. I’ve added a 1-year return column so you can see how each screen has performed over the past 12 months. We had a rotation into small caps last week which helped VG Horse gallop ahead. Naz Cons is still the YTD and 10-yr return champ, but the Horse is the 1-year return champ.

Screen YTD Return 1-yr Return 10 yr CAGR 1 2 3 4 5
High_Relative_Val 7.9 16.9 12.7 MITT SKFRY ORRF AMKR BY
Liquid_Cons 11.7 21.6 17.4 NRG VST NVDA MU GEV
Naz_Cons 44.5 63.0 29.0 NVDA AVGO MU NFLX QCOM
ROE_Cash 11.7 26.7 14.4 MSFT VRTX REGN WDAY CPNG
Tech_Growers -13.8 -10.7 13.6 SOUN APP APF GCT GRND
Up_5% 0.6 -0.3 11.8 DAKT IBKR NECB ESEA KELYA
Up_5X3 1.2 9.5 16.3 NECB DAKT ESEA TRTX CNK
VG_Horse 20.8 78.6 17.7 KEQU TAYD DAVE GHM SGC
WK__Voom 11.9 15.4 15.5 AMSC GTE CMRE WLDN CGNT
S&P 500 18.0 25.8 13.1

Thanks for this and especially for adding the 1-yr return!

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