Curated screens 2024-12-19

As of Thursday’s close, only 5 of the 8 screens we’re tracking here have managed to beat the S&P 500’s 25% return over the past 12 months. 6 of the 8 screens are significantly beating the market over the past 10 years. The other 2 are basically even with the market over that period.

For consistency, I’m using gtr1 for both screening and backtesting. If I had used the SI Pro software to report screen picks (the methodology used on the shrewd board), then the back test results below would be wrong. So I’ve decided to show the picks here as screened by gtr1 in order to report accurate performance numbers.

Screen YTD Return 1-yr Return 10 yr CAGR 1 2 3 4 5
High_Relative_Val 25.0 25.3 13.2 FISI SBFG ODC BH VEON
Liquid_Cons 48.6 50.8 18.9 PLTR UAL VST TRGP GDDY
Naz_Cons 33.9 33.9 27.0 NVDA TSLA AAPL GOOGL APP
ROE_Cash 11.2 12.7 13.2 GOOGL GM PCAR LEN ISRG
Up_5% 18.6 19.4 15.2 FOA SEI GGAL CXW EAT
Up_5X3 27.1 30.1 18.8 FOA EXFT CVEO NWPX QUAD
VG_Horse 77.5 85.1 23.2 TATT MHH UI CCRD VLGEA
WK__Voom 15.5 16.3 15.9 LIND MCS EE SXC CNK
S&P 500 24.7 24.8 13.1