My dad is 80 years old and he is trying to figure out expenses and where to live after evidently not saving enough over a lifetime. He has $120k left on a condo mortgage with about a $1,000 monthly payment to include mortgage, taxes, and condo fees. He has a 401k, but apparently it will be gone soon as he is saying he will be living on social security alone. He doesn’t think he can afford to live in the condo anymore soon.
So he is now working on a plan to sell the condo, and buy a house with my brother that has a separate structure or separate entrance for him. He would put all the money from the condo into the house. My brother would be able to combine his money with my dad’s for a down payment and have a lower mortgage payment. My dad would then use his social security to live on. My brother would be responsible for all mortgage and tax payments and upkeep. The money my dad provided would essentially be given to my brother per my Dad’s take. I’m more than glad my brother is willing to live with my dad, and my sister and I are certainly not expecting any inheritance, lol, so no problem if my brother were to gain from this arrangement long term.
But I’m trying to think through concerns about this plan, just to be prepared even if these things don’t happen. Like what if my dad becomes incapacitated in a few years and needs extra care and can’t live there anymore. Or what about my brother, he did have a health scare with a stroke a few years ago. My brother has 4 (mostly adult) kids, and his estate would go to them (he’s divorced). My dad couldn’t afford to keep living there, and with his money tied up in the house he couldn’t afford to go to a care facility. There would need to be a plan, I’m assuming, and I haven’t heard any discussion about it. Any advice appreciated and what to look out for. And how to bring up!
Another option is for my brother, sister, and I to contribute to my dad’s current mortgage or expenses so he can just stay where he is, with expectation none of us will get anything back assuming all his money will eventually be needed to go to his care. I could afford this although yes it is hard to swallow emotionally knowing the financial position my dad has put himself in willingly. My brother and sister are stretched with all their kids and their own expenses right now, so not sure it would be ok with them. Living with me is not viable.
Or sell and move to something else that is affordable? Although $1000 seems low for our area for rent or mortgage, not sure he could get that.
If there is another board you’d recommend on these issues dealing with elder care issues like this let me know. I’m also trying to figure out the full picture of his expenses to see if we can help lower them as a next step.