Dr. Glaucomfleken analyzes United Healthcare situation



Great video. Thank you to the Doc for trying to clear things up, including the bizarre moral confusion of the moment.

But he leaves the crux point unstated: the dead CEO and ilk are “merely doing their jobs” as hirelings of those who most benefit. The crux evildoers are the members of Congress who accept bribes (OK Free Speech campaign contributions) to shovel tax money into the maws of USELESS (a technical term in this instance) pseudo health organizations. They do not insure in any historic sense (pooling funds on behalf of their members to pay for unpredictable and random events), instead they simply and utterly illegitimately claim a percentage of the national healthcare budget. I say we need a campaign to bring the equivalent of “capital punishment” to a lot of corporations and political careers.

Health is more a herd than an individual phenomenon, and this pseudo insurance scam is a descendant of the denigration and ignorance of Public Health

has been a deathly, malevolent factor in USAian politics for well over 100 years.

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Of course they insure. Otherwise you wouldn’t buy health care insurance.

Your health care expenses next year are unpredictable. You can be reasonably certain they won’t be zero - but you don’t know if they’ll be a thousand dollars or a million dollars. So you purchase insurance - your insurer agrees that in exchange for your premium, they will pay a portion of your health care expenses during the coming year.

Some people will have health expenses that are more than the premium, some will have lower. That’s what you’re insuring against. Like fire or auto insurance, the most likely outcome is that you’re paying more in premiums than the covered expenses. You’re insuring against the chance that the expenses are higher.

If they weren’t insuring, then no one would want or need health insurance. They’d just self insure. But because your future health expenses are uncertain and variable, you buy insurance against the chance that those costs are very high.

Do “they” not get funded by the federal government? And is the federal government not in a far better position to do the pooling and management. Oh hey, it is the feds who do the pooling and even much of the management except for the part about irrationally disallowing claims….

But I am not an insurance guy. I am just a guy who has had a lot of experience with healthcare outside of the USA….

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The major public insurance programs do (Medicare, Medicaid, VA), and the ones on the exchanges get some subsidies. Most private insurance policies don’t.

Maybe. But that’s not the point you made. Whether you think the federal government could do a better job of providing insurance, that doesn’t mean that private insurers aren’t actually providing insurance.