End of Month Review of $SPX & 11 Sectors

End of Month Look for MARCH 2022 in the $SPX (S&P 500) and its eleven Sectors.

To see the monthly charts in descending percentage gain/loss order hit this twitter link:


Bracketed numbers next to symbols show last month’s (FEB 2022) place out of 12 symbols listed by percentage gain/loss.

Of note is this past month’s big winning sector: Utilities! Not only a double digits win of 10.34% but $XLU just moved from 3rd to 2nd place in the dividend yield rankings as well. MARCH was a great month with eleven winners and one loser ($XLF -0.13%). This is the exact opposite of February when there was only one gaining sector ($XLE - what else?) See new data next to previous two months data below:

Symbol     MAR 22        FEB 22        JAN 22    

$XLU      +10.34% (7)    -1.91% (4)    -3.26%
$XLE       +9.34% (1)    +7.07% (1)   +18.77%
$XLRE      +7.82% (10)   -4.80% (11)   -8.63%
$XLB       +6.12% (4)    -1.27% (8)    -6.80%
$XLV       +5.74% (3)    -0.97% (10)   -6.86%
$XLY       +4.43% (9)    -4.07% (12)   -9.53%
$SPX       +3.58% (8)    -3.14% (7)    -5.26%
$XLI       +3.44% (2)    -0.84% (5)    -4.79%
$XLK       +3.34% (11)   -4.88% (9)    -6.84%
$XLP       +1.78% (6)    -1.41% (3)    -1.48%
$XLC       +0.74% (12)   -7.44% (6)    -4.80%
$XLF       -0.13% (5)    -1.38% (2)    +0.03%

$SPX  =  S&P 500 Composite
$XLB  =  Materials 
$XLC  =  Communications Services
$XLE  =  Energy
$XLI  =  Industrial
$XLF  =  Finance
$XLK  =  Technology
$XLP  =  Consumer Staples
$XLRE =  Real Estate
$XLU  =  Utilities
$XLV  =  Healthcare
$XLY  =  Consumer Discretionary

The 11 Sectors listed in descending order of dividend percentage yields end of FEB 2022.

Numbers in parenthesis show last month's rank by dividend yield and a change in position. 

If there is no number in parenthesis following a percentage, then that sector is in the same descending order spot it was in last month.

Dividend yield percentages:

       MAR 22      FEB 22
$XLE   +3.29%      +3.31%
$XLU   +2.69% (3)  +2.94%
$XLRE  +2.57% (2)  +3.00%
$XLP   +2.31%      +2.34%
$XLB   +1.66%      +1.76%
$XLF   +1.66%      +1.65%
$XLV   +1.39%      +1.44%
$XLI   +1.28%      +1.32%
$XLC   +0.83%      +0.84%
$XLK   +0.71%      +0.73%
$XLY   +0.59%      +0.61%

And now I’m done with these symbols:

MARCH 2022 end of month look for gains/losses in Indices, Treasury Yields, Commodities, PMs, Energy etc.

Symbol    MAR 2022     FEB 2022     JAN 2022    Description 

$JJN      +31.88%      +10.61%       +7.95%     Nickel
$NATGAS   +28.17%       -9.68%      +30.67%     Natural Gas
$UST10Y   +26.78%       +2.23%      +17.76%     10 Year Treas Yield
$BDI      +15.59%      +43.86%      -36.04%     Baltic Dry Index
$UST20Y   +15.11%       +3.69%      +11.86%     20 Year Treas Yield
$SLX      +12.92%      +14.85%       -1.35%     Steel
$UST30Y   +12.44%       +2.84%      +11.05%     30 Year Treas Yield
$GDX      +11.55%      +13.73%       -5.62%     Gold Miners
$WEAT     +11.54%                               Wheat
$CORN     +10.50%                               Corn
$CRB       +9.70%       +5.47%       +9.79%     Commodities
$MJ        +7.80%                               Marijuana
$BRENT     +7.62%      +13.08%      +17.27%     Brent Oil
$GASO      +7.45%      +14.80%      +14.83%     Gasoline
$COPX      +6.83%      +13.87%       +1.35%     Copper Miners
$REMX      +6.79%       +9.03%       -9.45%     Rare Earth Minerals
$SIL       +6.75%       +3.34%      -10.11%     Silver Miners
$COPPER    +6.66%       +3.01%       -3.11%     Copper
$TRAN      +6.64%       -0.09%       -7.25%     Dow Trans Index
$PAVE      +5.64%       +1.58%       -8.61%     Infrastructure
$HYDR      +5.36%      +13.99%      -23.04%     Hydrogen
$WTIC      +4.76%       +8.59%      +17.21%     Light Crude Oil
$DBA       +4.54%       +3.67%       +2.23%     Agriculture
$ICLN      +3.91%      +10.45%      -11.43%     Clean Energy
$SPX       +3.58%       -3.14%       -5.26%     S&P 500
$COMPQ     +3.41%       -3.43%       -8.98%     Nasdaq Composite
$SILVER    +3.15%       +8.81%       -4.11%     Silver
$IHI       +2.98%                               Medical Devices
$GOLD      +2.80%       +5.81%       -1.76%     Gold
$USD       +1.72%       +0.16%       +0.99%     US Dollar
$LIT       +1.33%       -0.32%       -7.31%     Lithium
$JETS      +1.30%       +1.23%       +0.62%     Jets (global)
$IWM       +1.16%       +1.03%       -9.53%     Russell 2000
$JJU       +0.66%      +13.46%       +7.62%     Aluminum
$SMH       +0.61%       -2.63%      -10.81%     Semiconductors
$DRIV      +0.47%       -2.87%       -7.50%     Autonomous & EV
$XBI       +0.06%       -3.85%      -16.35%     Biotech
$BOTZ      -1.89%       -0.44%      -17.36%     Robotics & AI
$COFFEE    -2.79%       -0.93%       +3.98%     Coffee
$KBE       -6.95%       +2.89%       +0.86%     Banks
$LUMBER   -18.46%       +7.58%      -14.26%     Lumber

“Just the monthly charts, M’am.”


-Sgt. Friday

Friday’s Gone With the Wind


Yep. In terms of total return utilities were my Biggest Losers over most of the last five years. But somebody with money likes them at the moment.


Barry Ritholtz had an interesting graph on electricity generation at the end of his daily reads post today.



Thank you for recommending this post to our Best of feature.

Yep. In terms of total return utilities were my Biggest Losers over most of the last five years. But somebody with money likes them at the moment.

I like the ones that pay good dividends? My two utilities Emera (EMA-t pays 4.28%) and Algonquin (AQN-t pays 4.40%) both well above where I bought them. Damn, just as I typed that both went red on me, the only ones in my port not green. }};-@


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Nice to see Lumber with a big drop. We’re still FAR above pre-pandemic prices, but at least we’re moving down lately.