EOM APR '22: S&P 500 & Its Eleven Sectors

End of Month Look for APRIL 2022 in the $SPX (S&P 500) and its eleven Sectors.

Bracketed numbers next to symbols show last month’s (MAR 2022) place out of 12 symbols listed by percentage gain/loss.

Symbol     APR 22        MAR 22        FEB 22        JAN 22    

$XLP       +2.31% (10)   +1.78% (6)    -1.41% (3)    -1.48%

$XLE       -1.69% (2)    +9.34% (1)    +7.07% (1)   +18.77%
$XLB       -3.54% (4)    +6.12% (4)    -1.27% (8)    -6.80%
$XLRE      -3.56% (3)    +7.82% (10)   -4.80% (11)   -8.63%
$XLU       -4.30% (1)   +10.34% (7)    -1.91% (4)    -3.26%
$XLV       -4.89% (5)    +5.74% (3)    -0.97% (10)   -6.86%
$XLI       -7.61% (8)    +3.44% (2)    -0.84% (5)    -4.79%
$SPX       -8.80% (7)    +3.58% (8)    -3.14% (7)    -5.26%
$XLF       -9.94% (12)   -0.13% (5)    -1.38% (2)    +0.03%
$XLK      -11.02% (9)    +3.34% (11)   -4.88% (9)    -6.84%
$XLY      -11.96% (6)    +4.43% (9)    -4.07% (12)   -9.53%
$XLC      -14.13% (11)   +0.74% (12)   -7.44% (6)    -4.80%

$SPX  =  S&P 500 Composite
$XLB  =  Materials 
$XLC  =  Communications Services
$XLE  =  Energy
$XLI  =  Industrial
$XLF  =  Finance
$XLK  =  Technology
$XLP  =  Consumer Staples
$XLRE =  Real Estate
$XLU  =  Utilities
$XLV  =  Healthcare
$XLY  =  Consumer Discretionary

The 11 Sectors listed in descending order of dividend percentage yields end of FEB 2022. Numbers in parenthesis show last month’s rank by dividend yield and a change in position. If there is no number in parenthesis following a percentage, then that sector is in the same descending order spot it was in last month.

Dividend yield percentages:

       APR 22      MAR 22      FEB 22
$XLE   +3.35%      +3.29%      +3.31%
$XLU   +2.81%      +2.69% (3)  +2.94%
$XLRE  +2.66%      +2.57% (2)  +3.00%
$XLP   +2.26%      +2.31%      +2.34%
$XLB   +1.72% (5)  +1.66%      +1.76%
$XLF   +1.85% (6)  +1.66%      +1.65%
$XLV   +1.46%      +1.39%      +1.44%
$XLI   +1.39%      +1.28%      +1.32%
$XLC   +0.97%      +0.83%      +0.84%
$XLK   +0.80%      +0.71%      +0.73%
$XLY   +0.67%      +0.59%      +0.61%

Should have read: The 11 Sectors listed in descending order of dividend percentage yields end of APR 2022. Numbers in parenthesis show last month’s rank by dividend yield and a change in position. If there is no number in parenthesis following a percentage, then that sector is in the same descending order spot it was in last month.