This bit of misinformation is currently being circulated by pro-Putin disinformation bots. Not suggesting you are one of those, just that you are blindly repeating and amplifying anti-American misinformation.
Putin is an easy whipping boy but not necessarily the main disinformation center. There are lots of interests being disrupted by EVs, not just fossil fuels. I doubt Exxon is in bed with Putin or the French insurance giant Axa S.A. that published an idiotic fake crash EV crash test with fireworks and all. Axa might be reacting to Tesla’s insurance initiative that invades their territory.
The story…
Axa S.A. (styled as AXA) is a French multinational insurance company. The head office is in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, France. It also provides investment management and other financial services.
Watch Fake Tesla Battery Fire Performed By An Insurance Company
An insurance company staged a Tesla crash and battery fire, but it was pyrotechnics. The battery pack had been removed for safety.…
AXA unit makes apology on back of Tesla crash test controversy…
People get upset by these antics. I take the opposite long term view even if I find these antics disgusting. To me they are proof that EVs are a winner, it’s the losers hosting these antics. My portfolio could care less whether Putin exists or not, whether he is an SOB or not, Putin is just more bit of market noise. I wouldn’t mind if he were car bombed out of a seventh story hospital window.
The Captain