For the birds

Analyzing bird population declines due to renewable power sources in California…
To assess the impact on birds across the state, the researchers chose 23 species that are known to be at risk when venturing near alternative energy power plants. They collected data from prior studies involving ecological and conservation efforts and engaged in feather-collecting outings to several sites across California and then identified and counted each…

The researchers found that of the 23 species they studied, 11 experienced population declines of at least 20% due to exposure to alternative energy plants. They also found evidence of dangers to several populations due to harm done to migration networks, threats that go far beyond the location of plants.


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Meanwhile we read that eagles and raptors are dying of the bird flu epidemic.

Does the study accurately count wind turbine deaths? Or do they assume wind turbines are the cause?

We are well aware of bias in the energy industry. The environmental movement also has its biases


Does the study accurately count wind turbine deaths? Or do they assume wind turbines are the cause?

Here’s the paper:
After a literature survey to identify 32 priority bird species, they “obtained feathers from avian fatalities at renewable energy facilities in California” (both wind and solar). They then determined whether or not the bird were local or passing through. Next came population estimates and then modeling…


As one might expect, wind turbines are also hard on bats. Researchers in Greece found the interaction zone to be five kilometers. Unrecorded neighbouring bat fatalities are >500 % than the recorded ones.