Freedom of the press

Somebody famous said “Kill the man who is causing us problemas, gets rid of the problemas.”

And sends a message to others who might be considering causing us problemas.

Freedom of the Press shines light on stuff that somebody does not want illuminated.

Mexican crime reporter killed in Zacatecas, adding to ‘chilling’ journalist death toll…

So far, this year, 6(?) Mexican journalists have been killed.

Muniz’s death, which was confirmed by state police, follows at least five other murders of media workers in Mexico this year.

At least? Cause maybe a couple have simply been misplaced?

Around 145 journalists were killed in Mexico from 2000 to 2021, according to human rights organization Article 19, making the country one of the deadliest for journalists.

The worst year in recent history was 2017, with 12 murders, followed by 2010, with 10.

Journalists are being killed ALL ACROSS MEXICO, supposedly for reporting on crime: drugs, cartels, corruption.

The USian War on Drugs is PARTLY to blame for the growing destabilization of Mexico.

This is METaR: thousands of miles of border; major US trsde partner - USMCA; US’ internal, political discord over immigration; and so much more…



<Somebody famous said “Kill the man who is causing us problemas, gets rid of the problemas.”>

Joseph Stalin said that, quoted in “The Gulag Archipelago,” by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.


Freedom of speech is vital.
Censorship is deadly.

Malala is the amazing young woman, targeted by the Taliban for exposing their atrocities.
Shortly after the Taliban issued a specific death threat against Malala, her school bus was stopped on the way home and boarded by armed men. They asked for her by name and, when her peers looked in her direction, she was shot in the head.

Malala Yousafzai is a prominent and passionate advocate for girls’ education and women’s rights.

Here are some quotes:…

I often say that I tell my story not because it is unique, but because it is the story of many girls. I think realizing that you’re not alone; that you are standing with millions of your sisters around the world is vital.

:+1::+1::pray: Major KUDOS to Malala!

In 2013, Malala and her father launched the Malala Fund, with a goal to help every girl experience 12 years of free, safe, and quality education. They focused specifically on Afghanistan, Brazil, India, Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey.

Brazil? I did NOT know that Brazil has a “taliban” problem.


<Somebody famous said “Kill the man who is causing us problemas, gets rid of the problemas.”>

Joseph Stalin said that, quoted in “The Gulag Archipelago,” by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.

But it doesn’t work when you kill the man who is only telling you about the problems.

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<Somebody famous said “Kill the man who is causing us problemas, gets rid of the problemas.”>

Joseph Stalin said that, quoted in “The Gulag Archipelago,” by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.

Somebody else said “Stop doing the testing, then you won’t have bad testing.”

It’s almost like it’s the same thing.


But it doesn’t work when you kill the man who is only telling you about the problems.

Isn’t that called “Don’t shoot the messenger”?


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Brazil? I did NOT know that Brazil has a “taliban” problem.

I don’t have facts but I heard that there were extremist Islamic recruiting/indoctrination centers in different parts of LatAm including Venezuela. In Venezuela many different people live peacefully together but there is some discrimination in other LatAm countries. Hugo Chavez used discrimination to divide and conquer but it pretty much petered out after he died.

I had an interesting experience in Grenada, a predominantly black Caribbean island country. During the Bishop dictatorship many fled to the US and to the UK. After the country settled back into democracy many returned and there was a clear distinction between them by their exile destination. This was pointed out to me by a local taxi driver, one group was rather British and the other American influenced.

Memes travel!

The Captain