GAH! Found On Road Dead

A couple months ago, I opened a position in Ford Motor, purely as a tariff play, as my analysis says Ford is best positioned to profit from protectionist tariffs. Otherwise, I would not touch Ford with the proverbial ten foot pole.

GM announced a “better than expected” Q4 several days ago. Today, I started wondering when Ford would announce. Mr Google said Ford was scheduled to announce earnings on January 22nd. “That’s odd”, I thought, “the local Detroit media always makes a big deal out of automaker earnings, and I don’t remember hearing a thing about Ford”. Looked on Yahoo Finance, which has a table of previous quarter earnings “expectations” and reality. No entry for Ford’s Q4. Looked on Ford’s Investor Relations page. They announce tomorrow, the 5th.

One other thing. I have not really studied it, but seems that good reports are released in the morning, and bad reports are released in the afternoon. GM released their “better than expected” report at 8:30am. Ford announces tomorrow at 5pm.

I could be running away from a shadow, but my primary reason for buying Ford was the tariffs that didn’t happen. So, now I need to look at fundamentals: Ford is farther down the Welchian rat hole than GM. Ford is failing miserably in both China and the EU. Ford, together with VW, now lead the world in warranty claims, because they build overpriced poo. Ford reported an 8.8% sales increase in Q4, vs a 21% increase for GM.

Well. There you have it. We will see if I’m a nervous Nellie, or blessed with precognition, in 27 hours. Whatever happens, I will sleep well tonight, because I left Ford by the side of the road.



The Captain

From Ford’s own web page:

This is the sort of nonsense that comes out of Ford CEO Farley’s pie-hole:

“Ford wants to be the No. 1 undisputed off-road brand in the world,” Farley said at the Detroit Auto Show, according to Automotive News we want to be the Porsche of off-road.”

Ford CEO Jim Farley Says Company Will Be ‘Porsche Of Off-Road’

I laffed out loud the first time I read that.

Of course he wants to be “Porsche”. Porsche is famous for high prices and fat profit margins, exactly the metrics that a Welchist would focus on. The reality is that Ford makes unreliable poo. Who, in their right mind would pay Porsche prices and margins, for a Ford? Farley’s degree of self-delusion would make him a perfect fit in the upper ranks of either the pump seal company, or Radio Shack.


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Yep, Ford sells $170B+ of cars a year while Porsche sells $44B+ of cars a year, yet they result in roughly the same amount of profit ($8B-10B or so). Which business would you rather invest in?

Ford is not a cult. They need to work for their earnings.

The numbers are out…“better than expected” for Q4 and calendar 2024. Lousy forward guidance. 2025 EBIT down 20%. Ford is projecting “break even” for Q1. Yahoo Finance is showing a consensus estimate of 40 cents/share, for Q1.
