I would no more buy a company which doesn’t pay a dividend than I would work for a company that didn’t pay a salary but promised a lump sum when I quit. I think that companies with extra cash flow should re-invest it productively in R&D, equipment, etc. or else distribute it to shareholders. Buying back stock to increase the share price is bogus, in my opinion, since it adds no value to the enterprise.
I sold my S&P 500 index funds (overweight in overpriced giants) months ago and replaced them with dividend-paying funds such as Vanguard Equity-income fund. Even though both funds are falling in the general carnage, the dividend-paying fund is doing better than the S&P 500 fund.
Investors are shifting to this concept in droves.
**There Is a Rush for Cash on Wall Street**
**One piece of evidence is the market’s embrace of dividend-paying companies over firms that do buybacks**
**By Karen Langley and Gunjan Banerji, The Wall Street Journal, May 24, 2022**
**Cash is king right now. The latest evidence: the market’s embrace of dividend-paying stocks over another longtime favorite, firms that do buybacks....**
**Since the start of 2020, companies that pay high levels of dividends have continued outperforming those with lower payouts, while shares of companies putting the most money into stock repurchases have lagged behind those with the lowest buybacks...High inflation and rising interest rates eat away at the value of companies’ future earnings while increasing the attractiveness of cash today. ...**
**The S&P 500 High Dividend index is up 2.8% in 2022, while the S&P 500 Buyback index has declined 12%....**
[end quote]
When money is cheap because the Federal Reserve is forcing negative real interest rates, speculators load up on companies that promise future, not present rewards. The NPV equation that shows the present value of (forecast) future earnings gives an exponentially lower Net Present Value as interest rates rise.
To me, a share of stock is a share in a company. I want value for my investment which is based on current and future expected earnings, backed up by dividends. It’s not a speculation on wild growth of stock prices.