[Traditional biomass is things such as firewood and dung.]
Oil 32.2% Coal 28.0 Nat gas 25.4 Trad biomass 7.0 Hydro 2.7 Nuclear 1.8 Wind 1.2 Modern biomass 0.7 Solar 0.7 Other 0.5
Net zero is a long ways away
[Traditional biomass is things such as firewood and dung.]
Oil 32.2% Coal 28.0 Nat gas 25.4 Trad biomass 7.0 Hydro 2.7 Nuclear 1.8 Wind 1.2 Modern biomass 0.7 Solar 0.7 Other 0.5
Net zero is a long ways away
The estimate is 2025 will see a global turning point in CO2 production going into decline.
The chart shows a wedge opening up as alternative energies particularly wind and solar become cost efficient.
It may, but I could also can see it turning up again with growth in India and, later, Nigeria.
As noted above, net zero is a long ways away.
Not likely, although it may grow more slowly. The EIA has new projections this month for the next several decades (up to 2050) showing increasing global fuel usage. Projections are in quads (quadrillion BTU).
Increase 2022 to 2050 Liquid fuels 42 Nat gas 44 Coal 6 Nuclear 7 Other 118
Ha! Very cute. I will take that bet, with odds against. Also for 2026, 2027, 2028, etc.
Our group’s cockiness is entertaining.
Wind and solar power are booming in China and may help limit global carbon emissions far faster than expected, according to a new study.
The planet does not care about “rate”. It cares about “total emissions.” India is now the third largest emitter in the world, and achieved (dubiously) the highest emissions in the country’s history.
The planet does not care about “rate”. It cares about “total emissions”. China is opening more coal plants than ever, and has the highest CO2 emissions in its history.
The only thing that is going to stop the needle from going up is a cataclysmic recession which shuts factories down, or a plague which wipes humans from the earth.
China 1960 - 2021
China in 2021 about 11.5 million metric tons
My comment about China ramping up coal plants is old news. Goof do your research closer to your comments to keep up with the times.
The largest contributor to rising emissions was electricity generation. Power output from coal increased by 2% from a year ago, the report showed. Coal is the main source of energy in China and is widely used for heating, power generation and steelmaking.
The country has ramped up coal production since last summer when the worst heatwave and drought in decades hit hydroelectricity, the country’s second biggest source of power. Coal production surged 11% in 2022 from 2021, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.
further snippet
However, China still sees clean energy as its future. President Xi Jinping restated his vision for a “green” and “beautiful” China in February and called for an energy revolution to achieve carbon neutrality in the longer term.
Solar installations increased to a record 34 gigawatts (GW) in the first three months of the year, nearly tripling the previous high of 13GW in the same period of 2022, according to latest figures released by the National Energy Administration.
New wind power installations also reached a record high. The 10.4GW added in the three months to March 2023 was an increase of 32% over the period in 2022, the NEA figures showed.
These sources of power, including renewables and nuclear, exceeded 50% of China’s installed power capacity in the first quarter, overtaking fossil fuel-based capacity for the first time in history, the CREA analysts said.
“When low-carbon power growth matches — and then exceeds — the annual increase in electricity demand, the sector’s CO2 emissions will peak,” they said.
Separate google result
How much coal will China use in 2023?
In the second half, growth is expected to slow slightly, mainly due to recovering hydropower availability after last year’s drought. In total, we expect China’s coal demand in 2023 to grow by about 3.5% to 4 679 Mt, with demand from the power sector up 4.5% and demand from non-power uses growing by 2%.
And the bottom line is that there has never been a year since monitoring began in 1959 when the carbon dioxide concentration has decreased.
Looking at the primary energy sources over the decades.
Oil+Coal+NatGas Percent 2022 85.4 2012 86.7 2002 84.3 1992 85.0 1982 84.1
Those numbers answer the question the BBC asked recently:
I used a different source, and got similar numbers for world primary energy and fossil fuels.
World Primary Energy, Percent from Fossil Fuels 2022 81.8% 2012 86.1% 2002 85.8% 1992 86.5% 1982 89.5%
Looking at just the US, the following numbers are obtained…
US Fossil Fuels Percentage 2022 81.1% 2012 84.6% 2002 87.2% 1992 87.7% 1982 90.4%
Similar numbers for Europe. This is for all of Europe, not just the EU.
Europe Fossil Fuels Percentage 2022 71.1% 2012 76.0% 2002 79.7% 1992 82.3% 1982 87.5%
It should be noted, for world fossil fuel consumption, the percentage is staying about the same, but the total amount of fossil fuels is increasing, as the total primary energy use increases. For instance, in 2012, total fossil fuel consumption (oil + nat gas + coal) was 455 exajoules of energy. By 2022, that increased to 494 exajoules for the year.