I’m assuming most of them are not multi-millionaire very early retirees. {{ LOL }}
clickbait for a book.
When I was a young adult getting started in the Rust Belt, worked more than a few really bad jobs. It was highly motivating, learned that I did not want to be stuck in those positions for the rest of my life,lol.
The young people portrayed in the video of not wanting to take a rotten job are missing out on a few things: building up a work record showing reliability, motivation to do what it takes to get skills to get out of those rotten jobs.
The older people sitting out the work routine need to remain in good standing with their significant other, lol.
Drug and alcohol abuse are not fully discussed. The story is clickbait.
A very large number of people work “off the books”. They don’t pay taxes or FICA, they don’t have the right documentation, or they have drug or criminal pasts that don’t lend themselves to a traditional job.
Lots of bar and strip club bouncers (and bar tenders), construction workers, day laborers, dog walkers, house cleaners, handyman and painter jobs, tutors, house sitters, landscapers, junk haulers, and more - not to mention actual criminal jobs: drug dealer, burglar, etc.
Lots of opportunities for “under the table”
While estimates vary, some put the underground economy at 11% to 12% of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), or roughly $2.25 trillion to $2.5 trillion.
Maybe they are defying the programming that was fed them in school about “traditional family values”, and a wife/girlfriend/partner is the “breadwinner”? One of the renfaire acts I enjoyed was a pair of jugglers. One of the jugglers quit the act, because his wife was a very well paid attorney, well able to support both of them, so he quit the rigors of the renfair circuit.
For those scoring at home, the guy that retired is the one in the yellow shirt. I haven’t been up to the Holly faire in several years. The Zukes retired, the sword swallower retired from the circuit, the guy that performed “Ded Bob” died. Zoltan is the only one of my favorites left, and it’s a long drive and long price, to see one act.
Nah it is not that complicated. We are not talking the sharpest tools.