How to Invest in A!

Just got done watching TMF’s presentation on the Next Master Trend AI. It’s an exciting and potentially rewarding place to be invested. There were many opportunities to get reports and jump into services that could offer more information as to how to invest in this burgeoning field.

They had plenty of opportunities to subscribe to extra things that would help me invest in this trend. However, I though that’s why I’ve subscribed to Supernova! I’m kinda new to this board and don’t post often, but how do this esteemed board look to play this? Thanks in advance.

Warmly, John

John, except for the usual subjects, NVDA being primary, unlike networking or cell phones or e commerce or SAAS or storage or any other category you want, the new wave of AI companies are small, young, private, and most will be bought out by incumbents long before going public.

I’ve looked and there is no up and coming “animal” to invest in that is small and a pure play in AI. Nvidia is the closest thing. Sure AMD and Intel, but they are not pure plays and hardly small.

So the answer is like computers, they helped all
businesses and sprung an ecosystem of suppliers.

5g will be a huge enabler of AI as an example of the future. All ecommerce companies will use it, all social media will use it, most law firms will use it at some point.

But the Microsoft or Arista or Salesforce or Shopify of AI? Does not exist in any public company short of Nvidia at present. Lots of talk. Lots of Chinese activity, lots of VC money going into the space, but nothing to speak of other than hype and R & D at the moment.

Want to buy Google? Huge in AI but won’t move the needle.



Thanks for your response and insights, Tinker. I had thought that the AI players m8ght be snapped up by the big guys too. I just bought NVDA thcothe4 day. I know late and missed some of the boat, but ther is a ways to go and more upside I think. So, what do you think Eric Bleeker wa talking about wit( the 15 companies to own in the AI space? All little guys like you mentioned?



There are no small public companies who are into AI. The Fool once had much more principled marketing. They however got wise when advertising was not sufficient and have gone into hard core marketing. To me it is insulting.

However Rule Breakers and Stock Advisors AE about the b st investing newsletters you will ever find. Super Nova, I have no experience with. For me they are valuable resources as are these boards. But ignore the marketing hype. That is necessary for the Fool to thrive as a capitalist organization. As am I in what I do, and is any business.

I almost decided to say screw their services given how insulting their marketing is, from what the Fool once was, but you have to look through that and look to the nowhere else to be found quality of what the Fool offers.

So I did, have since 1999. Space 1999, we were suppose to have colonies on the moon then, aliens, laser pistols, what not. Enjoyed that show as a kid.



Hi John,

Below is some advice.

Don’t look to invest in trends or any particular sector or category. Instead, look at the company as a business and evaluate it on its own merits without being swayed by what trend or field they are in. If you are new to this board then spend some time reading Saul’s Knowledge Base. Read the whole thing and then read it again. This board is about evaluating individual companies and selecting them based on a number of factors. Good luck.



Since the question posed is “how to invest in AI,” a better answer would be “where to find out more about it.” There is a sector ETF that invests in Robotics & Artificial Intelligence (BOTZ). I’m not saying to buy it but to research the securities they invest in, currently 29. It’s not pure play AI as they include robotics.


The Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF (BOTZ) seeks to provide investment results that correspond generally to the price and yield performance, before fees and expenses, of the Indxx Global Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Thematic Index.

Top Ten Holdings

Holding Security
8.050   FANUC CORP
6.060   ABB LTD-REG
5.552   SMC CORP
5.382   OMRON CORP
There is a link to download (csv) the full list

Denny Schlesinger


Thanks for your advice. A couple days ago I printed out Saul’s Knowledge Base and have begun reading them. I look forward to learning much more from many apron this board.


Thank you, Denny.


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you might consider a few ETF if you want a basket approach. I own some BOTZ. For diversification, because it’s very early in the AI game. Last time there was this much chatter it turned out to be a dead end.

And look for those who could expand beyond present abilities with AI. For instance Cognex could go from what is mostly 2D , flat surfaces scanning to 3D scanning . A much bigger TAM. I said “could” because CGNX is pricy and in fact I have no idea whether they will actually be able to do it.
I do suspect their last earnings report was a fluke . If Q4 coming up is equally good I will buy more.

NVDA is the obvious choice. If AI and GPU meets the expectations ,it is where Intel was in the mid 1980’s.

I think SA is the best. Most importantly you get the SA boards , better than the service itself. I also subscribe to RB.


This article mentions other ETF’s that trade in “disruptive technologies” -…

I don’t have any recommendations; I just now found the article by searching for more info on BOTZ.

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