Americans Are Stockpiling to Get Ahead of Tariffs
Some consumers are snapping up computer parts, vacuum cleaners, coffee and olive oil before levies take effect
Tariff-conscious consumers are stockpiling goods and rushing to upgrade old cars and appliances to get ahead of potential price increases.
A quarter of Americans surveyed said it was a good time for major purchases as they expect prices to go up next year, up from 10% a month prior and a record high, according to the University of Michigan’s monthly survey of consumers. And a third of the 2,000 people surveyed recently by said they were buying more now because they feared tariffs.
Some economists warn that by spending as though inflation is coming, people could already be pushing it higher. The consumer-price index of goods and services grew 2.7% year over year in November, according to the Labor Department, slightly higher than in the prior month. The boost was driven in part by a surge in durable-goods purchases some shoppers said are related to President-elect Donald Trump’s threats of tariffs on imports from countries including Canada, Mexico and China.
I know very few people who think the market is fairly valued at the moment. By any historical measure it’s at, or off the top of the chart, and as we have seen in the past there’s a bumpy ride on the way down - whenever that happens.
So this article is mostly about consumers, but you can be sure there are entire supply chains busily stocking warehouses at the moment in anticipation of making a killing when tariffs surge 25% (assuming they do, which is not a sure thing) and they can move prices up by 20% and still underprice the slower moving competition.
Now I have no insight as to which companies are doing so, or even which segments might be most likely to have “overstocked”, if that is the right word, but I am sure it is happening. Could be auto parts. Solar. Toys. Electronics. No idea, actually, just that it is likely happening in lots of places at lots of companies.
Some of it, of course, is probably being done not out of greed, to capture excess profits, but for fear of not being able to acquire the raw materials (or semi-finished parts) at all. Doesn’t matter. Long about February or March, as tariffs are enacted, or not enacted (as I see as a real possibility, the threat being used from the bully’s bully pulpit) there is going to be an overstock and a pull back, and that means a quarter, or two, or five of negative growth - and the dreaded “R” word with it’s consequent effect on the stock market.
I will caution that the last time I thought this (though for different reasons) I was completely wrong, and the bubbleheads told me how stupid I was not to anticipate the onrush of business activity thanks to a “business friendly President”. Maybe that’s true this time, too, but the macro-effect of the rabbit in the snake of smooth supply logistics has to be compensated somewhere, and I’m calling it: 2nd, maybe 3rd quarter 2025.