Intl Seaways report Q2 2024

Announced 08/07

  • Shipping rev of $257.4M
  • Net Income of $144.7M (adjusted NI $118M)
  • Six 2nd hand ECO MR2 tankers have delivered
  • Three older MR2 tankers have been sold

Some additional thoughts

  • "…VLCC, Suezmax and Aframax sectors were approximately $46,400, $45,000 and $31,500 per day "
    INSW spot rates seem to be following size. In a typical year, that’s normal or par. But Q2 2024 has not been normal. The Aframax rate in particular seems low
  • Q2 div of $1.50/sh (Reg of 12c, supplemental div of $1.38) Quite acceptable to me - I’ve modeled 75c/sh quarterly to account for a typical weaker Q3. Getting a $1.50 total in one payout, means Q3 is all gravy
  • Shipping is a very capital intensive sector. Having access to $500M on a revolving credit facility illustrates INSW’s financial flexibility.

May dig in a little more. But was comfortable enough with the initial take to add to my INSW stake


The INSW earnings call transcript–

Two main takeaways

  1. At least one analyst noted the lower Aframax average. INSW mgmt explained that they have a plan (involving partners) to participate in the West Coast TMX trade. One or more vessel needed a dry-dock, and that caused a lower avg. INSW only have 5 (4 Afra, 1 LR2) vessels in that category, so one impacted vessel can have a big impact to the avg
  2. Their debt consolidation has a two fold effect. Longer debt punt and cost savings.
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